Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:49 pm Post subject: Ooo BASIC libs from 1.1.2 not compat with 1.1.3 - resolved
There's a problem with the beta which I think is the same one I experienced when I was upgrading Ooo from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 on winxx - that 1.1.3 can't use the previous version's BASIC libraries.
Not such a problem in winxx because each installation creates its own BASIC folder, so one can then copy/paste routines from one to the other. But in the case of upgrading from Neo/J alpha to beta, it's using the same prefs as the alpha, not overwriting the BASIC libraries (good), and these BASIC libraries are incompatible (bad - so, for example, saving a doc in Neo/J beta generates loads of BASIC error messages before the save can go ahead).
That may mean that to upgrade sensibly, we have to rename our existing prefs file before installing the beta, and then copy over everything except the new 1.1.3 BASIC folder - and anything else that turns out to be incompatible with 1.1.3...
Unless you can tweak the beta installer to spot the existing 1.1.2 BASIC folder and rename-then-replace it in the prefs so people can then laboriously copy over their BASIC routines like I had to in winxx
- yoxi
Last edited by yoxi on Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total
so the problem is that the old prefs are telling Neo/J beta that for the purposes of loading basic stuff on save, it's still sitting in /Applications/NeoOfficeJ/ - even though the tools-options-paths-basic dialog shows the correct /Applications/ path for the new app itself. This must be something to do with one or both of the prefs /user/basic files dialog.xlc & script.xlc (which both have that old /NeoOfficeJ/ path string in them).
What works as a temporary workaround is:
1) rename the existing prefs folder ~/Library/NeoOfficeJ-1.1 to NeoOfficeJ-1.1-alpha
2) delete and reinstall Neo/J beta, launch it, fiddle with the toolbar icon customising (seems to be a good way to make sure a new prefs folder is generated), quit Neo/J beta
3) rename the new ~/Library/NeoOfficeJ-1.1 (that just got created) to NeoOfficeJ-1.1-beta (for tidiness) and change back name of ~/Library/NeoOfficeJ-1.1-alpha to NeoOfficeJ-1.1
4) rename the files dialog.xlc & script.xlc in NeoOfficeJ-1.1/user/basic to something else (keep them just in case...)
5) copy the files dialog.xlc & script.xlc from NeoOfficeJ-1.1-beta/user/basic into NeoOfficeJ-1.1/user/basic
So far, I believe that the only impact this will have (apart from fixing this bug!) is that anyone who has added basic libraries will have to re-add them in the Macro Organiser, but that's not a big job.
To overcome this problem for people with existing alpha installations who want to upgrade to beta, it seems to me the simplest and most useful thing would be to have your installation script do a global replace in those two files in the existing prefs user/basic folder to update the path names. If you want to write that in, I'd be happy to test it out.
This should probably all have been in bugzilla, but you replied before I'd had time to write in the original bug, and I thought people might want to know a workaround in the meantime. I'll go ahead and post this as a bug too...
- yoxi
*update* okay, posted to bugzilla now. Incidentally, this finally explains what that "bug" was that I was experiencing in winxx moving from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 - I'd copied the /basic folder over, not realising that the absolute paths are coded into these .xlc files. I solved a problem! I feel warm all over... (apart from my feet - this is England, December, past midnight...)
*update 2*
Okay, I was being thick here - for people not afraid to edit, all the above "workaround" can be reduced to simply making backup copies of the 2 .xlc files and then editing them both in TextEdit, doing a global replace from
/NeoOfficeJ/ to / - this preserves all existing basic macro libraries - hooray...
Bah - seems all this was irrelevant - Neo/J alpha was supposed to be in /Applications to begin with. I don't remember moving it, is the strange thing, since I'd read here that moving it makes it stop working.
Pff. And this might explain why I had problems getting macros to work. My warm feeling has moved up to my face. I'm going to bed.
What happens in the unlikely event that someone wants to install the beta to a different volume from the alpha (like when people wanted to run 0.8.4 alongside 1.1)?
The installer will let them do that, but assuming they're the same User, won't there be a conflict between the old and new prefs data as to paths?
What happens in the unlikely event that someone wants to install the beta to a different volume from the alpha (like when people wanted to run 0.8.4 alongside 1.1)?
Eh, why would anyone want to run Alpha now that there's Beta? It's not like there are any massive regressions, even 0.8.4 vs Alpha was a different ballgame, since Alpha was under heavy dev and occasionally had big bugs, while 0.8.4 was "stable" and stagnant.
yoxi wrote:
The installer will let them do that, but assuming they're the same User, won't there be a conflict between the old and new prefs data as to paths?
Yep; that's why it's not supported If one were to install the apps in the same location, renaming one first, then one could rename the version one wished to use to before one started it each time. If one really, really wanted to make a mountain of a molehill
I do not understand the problem. All the macro I have from 1.1.2 are working fine in 1.1.3...
fabrizio, yoxi finally determined that he had moved Neo/J at some time and that messed up the pathnames. As long as you haven't moved Neo/J since installing Alpha, your macros will be working
Eh, why would anyone want to run Alpha now that there's Beta? It's not like there are any massive regressions, even 0.8.4 vs Alpha was a different ballgame, since Alpha was under heavy dev and occasionally had big bugs, while 0.8.4 was "stable" and stagnant.
yeah, point - the '0.8.4' reference was a daft red herring that distracted attention from the point I was trying to make about installing on a different volume - which is actually also irrelevant, because a closer look shows me that these hardwired basic paths are not volume-related, as they just point to ~/Library/NeoOffceJ-1.1.
I'm sorry this whole thread has been a waste of airspace for everyone except me - I've learned some useful things about the insides of the basic folder, and also about not posting late at night when I need a holiday and haven't done enough homework first.
It is interesting to note that Neo/J on the whole hasn't minded at all me moving it from its original installation folder, apart from causing some macro problems. It'd be nice if in the far future the installer allowed one to choose a folder to install to, and then updated all the necessary path references along the way, but it's pretty low priority.
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