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NeoOffice :: View topic - Spanish translation for NeoOffice Page - www.neooffice.org
Spanish translation for NeoOffice Page - www.neooffice.org
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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:33 am    Post subject: Ok.

Ok, let's walk step by step. I can see that there are a few pages in NeoOffice website that still are untranslated. I'll focus on them first and when all NeoOffice Website get fully translated I'll migrate to NeoOffice Mobil Website.

But I'd like to see both NeoOffice and NeoMobile Websites in 100% fully spanish too. It'd make me very happy Surprised

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:38 am    Post subject:

Hey I can see an error in the translation of NeoOffice Main Page (the error is highlighted in black).

Mientras que ahora OpenOffice.org y LibreOffice tiene sus propias versiones para Mac OS X, Patrick y Ed continuamente agrgan mejoras a NeoOffice que nuestros usuarios de Mac OS X no encontrarán en OpenOffice.org ni en LibreOffice tales como:


Mientras que ahora OpenOffice.org y LibreOffice tiene sus propias versiones para Mac OS X, Patrick y Ed continuamente agregan mejoras a NeoOffice que nuestros usuarios de Mac OS X no encontrarán en OpenOffice.org ni en LibreOffice tales como:

An "e" was missing in the word "agregan". Oops, I don't know if it was my error or someone's else. If mine, excuse me.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:33 am    Post subject: NeoOffice sitios de descarga...

The NeoOffice project is funded solely by donations from NeoOffice users like yourself. As a way to thank our donors who make the NeoOffice project possible, NeoOffice 3.2 can be downloaded and installed on an unlimited number of machines by all NeoOffice donors who have donated €7 (o US$10 o £6 o CA$10 o AU$10 o ¥834) or more within the last year.

The cost and time spent on NeoOffice is very large for Patrick Luby and Ed Peterlin - the Mac software engineers that have created all of the improvements in NeoOffice that are not in OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice. While many free software products such as OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice are funded by huge donations from large corporations such as Oracle and Novell, NeoOffice has no corporate sponsors. Without any corporate sponsors, Patrick and Ed must rely exclusively on donations from our users to continue implementing the latest Mac OS X features in NeoOffice.

We completely understand if you are unable to donate or you are not sure if NeoOffice 3.2 will meet your needs. Thanks to donors and volunteer mirrors, we are able to provide free downloads of NeoOffice 3.1.2 and, as always, free real-time access to the latest NeoOffice source code.


El proyecto de NeoOffice está financiado únicamente por donaciones de usuarios como tú. Comouna manera de agradecerles a nuestros donantes mas generosos que son los que hacen que el proyecto de NeoOffice sea posible, NeoOffice 3.2 puede ser descargado e instalado en un ilimitado número de máquinas por todos los donantes de NeoOffice que hayan donado €7 (o US$10 o £6 o CA$10 o AU$10 o ¥834) o mas dentro del último año.

El tiempo y dinero invertido en NeoOffice es muy grande para Patrick Luby y Ed Peterlin -los ingenieros de Mac que han creado todas la mejoras y características de NeoOffice que no están presentes ni en OpenOffice.org ni en LibreOffice. Mientras que mucho software libre como OpenOffice.org y LibreOffice está financiado por enormes donaciones de grandes compañias como Oracle y Novell, NeoOffice no tiene ningún patrocinador corporativo. Sin ningún patrocinador corporativo, Patrick y Ed deben confiar exclusivamente en donaciones hechas por nuestros usuarios para continuar implementando las mas nuevas características de Mac OS X en NeoOffice.

Nosotros entendemos completamente si tu no puedes donar o si no estas seguro que NeoOffice 3.2 llenará tus necesidades. Gracias a los donantes y a los mirrors voluntarios, somo capaces de proveer descargas gratuitas de NeoOffice 3.1.2 y, como siempre, el libre acceso en tiempo real al último código fuente de NeoOffice.


I just didn't translate the word "mirror" because in spanish it means "espejo" and I don't think that is the right meaning you want to provide. I think it is very much understandable "mirror" without translating.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:01 pm    Post subject:

netocp-1 wrote:
Ok, let's walk step by step. I can see that there are a few pages in NeoOffice website that still are untranslated. I'll focus on them first and when all NeoOffice Website get fully translated I'll migrate to NeoOffice Mobil Website.

I agree. At least 10 times more people visit the main website than the NeoOffice Mobile site so it makes sense to finish the main website first.

netocp-1 wrote:
Hey I can see an error in the translation of NeoOffice Main Page (the error is highlighted in black).

I have corrected the main website and I also corrected another page that had "agrga". Also, I posted your new translations on the "donor download login" page to the main website.

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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:45 am    Post subject: NeoOffice sitios de descarga

NeoOffice donors:
Login to start the download

To download the NeoOffice-3.2-Intel.dmg file, please login so that we can verify that you have donated €7 (o US$10 o £6 o CA$10 o AU$10 o ¥834) or more within the last year.

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Donates de NeoOffice:
Inicien Sesión para empezar la descarga

Para poder descargar el archivo NeoOffice-3.2-Intel.dmg, por favor inicia sesión a fin de que podamos verificar que tu realmente has donado €7 (o US$10 o £6 o CA$10 o AU$10 o ¥834) o mas dentro del último año.

Dirección de correo electrónico de Pay-Pal:
Por favor ingresa los carácteres de la siguiente imagen de seguridad:

Iniciar sesión en el sistema de descargas para donantes

Inicia sesión en el sistema de descargas para donantes ingresando la dirección de correo eléctonico que proveíste a Pay-Pal cuando realizastes tus donaciones para NeoOffice. Si tienes una cuenta de Pay-Pal y mas de un correo ellectrónico registrado en dicha cuenta, ingresa el que hayas establecido como dirección principal dentro de Pay-Pal.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:35 pm    Post subject: NeoOffice sitios de descarga...

Not a NeoOffice donor?
Donate now to start the download

Please consider donating. Since donations allow us to continue implementing the latest Mac OS X features in NeoOffice, we provide several special services as a way to thank our most generous donors.


¿No eres un donante de NeoOffice ?
Dona ahora para iniciar la descarga

Por favor considera donar. Debido a que las donaciones nos permiten continuar implementando las últimas características de Mac OS X a NeoOffice, proveemos ciertos servicios especiales como una manera de agradecer a nustros donantes más generosos.

-Samuel -
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:55 pm    Post subject: http://www.neooffice.org/neojava/es/patchmirrors.php?usecurl

To use cURL, open the Terminal application (/Aplicaciones/Utilidades/Terminal) in the Finder. Then, copy and paste all of the following commands into the Terminal window and press the return key:


Para usar cURL, abre la aplicación Terminal (/Aplicaciones/Utilidades/Terminal) en el Finder. Luego, copia y pega todos los comandos siguientes en la ventana de Terminal y presiona la tecla Enter.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:04 pm    Post subject: Broken link

There's a broken link on the main page: "código de diseño de texto, representación e impresión"

Link: "http://www.neooffice.org/neojava/es/features#expandedfonts"

Message: "Sorry, the page you requested was not found"

The same bug was found on the FAQ Page

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice

Last edited by netocp-1 on Wed May 18, 2011 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:08 pm    Post subject: Uns

And untranslated word was found on: https://www.neooffice.org/neojava/es/donate.php#donate.

Word: donated
Translation: donado

The word has a link included

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:56 pm    Post subject: Mission Acomplished

Well, I think I now can say: "Mission Acomplished".

I was browsing on the NeoOffice Website, following the links, and the links of the links of every page and everything is translated. I couldn't see any page with english words.

Well it makes me happy 'cause now I can browse the NeoOffice Website in my own language. And I hope that this work can help others around the world who speak my same native language. 'Cause I think that that's the purpose not only mine, but if of every translator of the NeoOffice Website, help other people who talks the translator's own language use the Website and the Application with the most ease and comfort.

And please if is there another spanish translator around there contact me by a private message or in this forum to see what can we do together for The Great Project of NeoOffice, The Best Free Office Suite For Mac.

Now I think I can migrate to NeoOffice Mobile Site and start to translate it too.

Patrick or anyone feel free to tell me if there is some untranslated word or paragraph or if a translation is wrong (if I haven't seen it before) and I will translate it as soon as possible.

I spite of now I don't have any access to NeoOffice Application 'cause I don't have a Mac computer (not even a windows) I'm happy to help translating Neo Site 'cause NeoOffice helped me when more I need it: in the high school, and sincerely it saved my life in many times.

Well, don't think I'm dying or something like that (for all the amount of text) but I felt I need to tell it.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Anomaly
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:13 pm    Post subject:

Great work! Very Happy
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The Architect
The Architect

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:21 am    Post subject: Re: Broken link

Thank you for your latest translations. I have posted your translations to the main website. Please let me know if I made any errors or missed any of your translations.

I also want to thank you for your hard work and excellent translations. Now that the Spanish pages are fully translated, Mac users who are among the several hundred million Spanish speakers throughout the world can read our website. Smile

netocp-1 wrote:
There's a broken link on the main page: "código de diseño de texto, representación e impresión"

Good catch. This error was also in all of the other languages' pages so I correct those pages too.

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:12 am    Post subject: Hello Again

Well, Now I'll proceed to translate the NeoOffice Mobile Website, but I only want to know if the translation of Neo Mobile Website can be performed of the same way as for NeoOffice Main Website. Or does it have another procedure?
-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:37 am    Post subject: No..............

Wow I've found two translation error (they're mine) on Donors Login Page (errors are highlighted in black):

Third Paragraph: Nosotros entendemos completamente si tu no puedes donar o si no estas seguro que NeoOffice 3.2 llenará tus necesidades. Gracias a los donantes y a los mirrors voluntarios, somo capaces de proveer descargas gratuitas de NeoOffice 3.1.2 y, como siempre, ellibre acceso en tiempo real al último código fuente de NeoOffice.

= "el libre"

Last paragraph of Donantes de NeoOffice:...
Inicia sesión en el sistema de descargas para donantes ingresando la dirección de correo eléctonico que proveíste a PayPal cuando realizastes tus donaciones para NeoOffice. Si tienes una cuenta de PayPal y mas de un correo ellectrónico registrado en dicha cuenta, ingresa el que hayas establecido como dirección principal dentro de PayPal.

= "electrónico"

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:42 am    Post subject:

You can use the same process for translating the NeoOffice Mobile website.

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