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Help needed with Neo installation
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Terry Teague

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:16 am    Post subject: Re: NeoOffice/J installation

Shamoo wrote:
5. Only than I came here looking for help. The only thing you guys told me to do more than I did was two things: (A) Look in the /Library/Receipts folder - rename/move aside any NeoOffice/J package receipts, and try the installation again.

Is there a NeoOfficeJ.pkg package shown in the Receipts folder?

Shamoo wrote:
And (B) Launch the Console application, and see if there are any relevant errors reported in the console log.

I probably should made my instructions clearer, based on your answer to #6 below. There are usually two main logs people look at - the Console log ("console.log") and the System log ("system.log"). I was more interested in the former, but I believe you reported the latter.

Shamoo wrote:
6. It did (as it seems - I don't know) report a relevant eror. This: "May 9 12:08:30 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 2277 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 1378]".

In spite of what the guest poster said, this is a red herring, and is quite normal (in fact I have them in my "system.log" - many people will). Just ignore this (and most of the errors you might see in the "system.log" and "console.log").

More comments in a separate posting.

Regards, Terry
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Terry Teague

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:48 am    Post subject: Re: NeoOffice/J Installation problems

Shamoo wrote:
You are all looking for the problem in the wrong place. I have only one HD, and even if I had two or more, it still wouldn't matter, cause the only thing the installer DOES ask you is where you want the software to be installed.
Let's assume for a minute that there is a different problem than simply finding the place it was installed.

Shamoo (separate post) wrote:
...however, I'm not familiar with mac OS (It's my first mac), so it doesn't mean anything to me.

Shamoo wrote:
Anyone has a different idea other than that?

I'm running osx 10.3.7

The key to troubleshooting computer problems, is a methodical approach asking the right questions, and more importantly, getting useful information from the person having trouble, at each step along the way.

We now have some information we didn't have before, which will help guide the troubleshooting.

Please answer the following questions :

1) Did your Mac come installed with Mac OS X 10.3.7, or did you upgrade from a previous version?

2) Did you customize the installation of Mac OS X (if you did install) in any way?

I'm thinking of things like did you format your hard drive in a format different from the default [Mac OS Extended or Mac OS Extended (Journaled)]?

3) Do you have FileVault turned on (it is off by default, so if you don't know what FileVault is, it is unlikely that you have it turned on)?

4) I assume there is only user account set up on this machine, and it has Admin privileges - this is the default. If you have anything different, let us know.

5) If you haven't already done so on the advice of others, you might want to launch the Disk Utility application, and VERIFY (not Repair for the moment) Disk Permissions on your hard drive - report any significant problems found.

6) I assume there is plenty of disk space available on the hard drive.

7) If you want to try installation again, this time after selecting the destination hard drive, select the "Show Log" item from the File menu of the Installer. Then select the "Show Everything" item from the popup menu shown in the log window. Continue installation at this point, until complete, and BEFORE you click on the Close button for the Installer, save the installer log by clicking on the Save button in the log window.

Since the log is likely to be long, do NOT post it here unless we ask for specific parts of the log.

That will do it for the moment.

Regards, Terry
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Joined: May 09, 2005
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:18 am    Post subject:

There is a NeoOfficeJ.pkg package shown in the Receipts folder. I trahed it everytime before re-installing.

1)+2) I Recieved the iBook with OS on it.

3)It's funny tou're asking about Filevault, because I tried turning it on and I couldn't. The system started doing it and than I recieved an eror message. I stop doing anything about it at that moment.

4) You assume right.

5)I'll do it and come with further information.

6)16GB free.

7) I will re-install and save the log.


Edit: I've done the things you asked me, but i can't tell if everything is good or not.
Can I attachh here the log files? I've got them both: the permission verification and the installation log.[/quote]
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:12 am    Post subject:

Terry said:

"In spite of what the guest poster said, this is a red herring, and is quite normal (in fact I have them in my "system.log" - many people will). Just ignore this (and most of the errors you might see in the "system.log" and "console.log")."

Oops... Sorry Terry, I guess I should have looked into it more before commenting. I'll have to see if I have those same bogus log comments also. I figured "exiting" meant that it really had aborted the installation even though he was getting the message to the contrary.

Shamoo said:

"You are all looking for the problem in the wrong place. I have only one HD, and even if I had two or more, it still wouldn't matter, cause the only thing the installer DOES ask you is where you want the software to be installed."

Yeah, that's why I suggested just searching your HD only a couple of posts ago since the search may have gotten hung up while trying to search remote volumes that may or may not be there.

Shamoo said:

"...however, I'm not familiar with mac OS (It's my first mac), so it doesn't mean anything to me."

Ah, the learnig curve may be considered a little harder for new Mac users but in the end you discover things are easier after you get to know your Mac.

Then again, maybe it's just not meant to be for you since Sue and many others had no problems installing NeoJ on Jaguar, Panther or Tiger. Who knows, maybe the ghost of billyboy simply refuses to let you leave the windoze world! Wink

Working with Terry should get you hooked up however. Good Luck.
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:34 am    Post subject:


I suspect that something is messed up in the Mac OS X installer tool or a Unix command is missing on your machine. The trick is now to figure out which one. Specifically, the Mac OS X installer tool is what creates the /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app directory and then unzips all of the files in the Neo/J installer into that directory. That step appears to not be happening.

In the Finder, can you open the Terminal application in the /Applications/Utilities folder and in the terminal, execute the following commands and post the output:


which mkdir
which pax
ls -ld /tmp
ls -ld /var/tmp
ls -ld /Applications
ls -ld /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:44 am    Post subject:

Shamoo, where'd ya go?

Curious to see how this turns out. How bad do you want to try NeoJ?
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 11:07 am    Post subject:

Thank you for all the help and I'm sorry for the delay.
I'm off for vacation for a week and i'll take it again from there.
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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 11:36 am    Post subject:

OK. Just checkin'. So we can safely assume you know your way around the terminal so after you launch Terminal.app you know to type in the commands in the order Pat listed, i.e.

ls -ld /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app

at the prompt and hit return to watch terminal do its thing.

Have anice vacation and keep us posted when you get back to try what Pat suggested.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:54 am    Post subject:

Hi to you all. I'm back from my vacation (London's great) and I'm ready for another round.

Reading your posts I felt that it would be a bit difficult for me to follow them, and I was right. I'm green as it gets with mac business and I didn't quite understand what to do, so I did the following:
1. At the first window in the Terminal I paste all the commands Pat wrote and it looked like so:

Last login: Tue May 17 17:27:06 on ttyp3
Welcome to Darwin!
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ which mkdir
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ which pax
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /tmp
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 11 17 Jan 18:54 /tmp -> private/tmp
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwt 5 root wheel 170 17 May 17:33 /var/tmp
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /Applications
drwxrwxr-x 48 Yaniv staff 1632 16 May 23:47 /Applications
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app
ls: /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app: No such file or directory
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$

2. Than I thought "It does'nt look right", so I typed them all seperatly and the result is:

Last login: Tue May 17 17:30:26 on ttyp4
Welcome to Darwin!
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ which mkdir
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ which pax
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /tmp
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 11 17 Jan 18:54 /tmp -> private/tmp
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwt 5 root wheel 170 17 May 17:33 /var/tmp
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /Applications
drwxrwxr-x 48 Yaniv staff 1632 16 May 23:47 /Applications
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app
ls: /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app: No such file or directory
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$

3. Than I looked in the "File" menu and found a new tool called "New Command", so I tried it with every command seperatly. The result is:

for "which mkdir" : [Process exited - exit code 101]

for "which pax" : [Process exited - exit code 101]

for "ls -ld /tmp" : lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 11 17 Jan 18:54 /tmp -> private/tmp
[Process completed]

for "ls -ld /var/tmp" : drwxrwxrwt 5 root wheel 170 17 May 17:33 /var/tmp
[Process completed]

for "ls -ld /Application" : ls: /Application: No such file or directory
[Process completed]

for "ls -ld /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app" : ls: /Applications/NeoOfficeJ.app: No such file or directory
[Process completed]

Does this make any sense what so ever? Did i acted right? (if so, in which one?) What should I do next?

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PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:23 am    Post subject:

pluby said:

"...In the Finder, can you open the Terminal application in the /Applications/Utilities folder and in the terminal, ..."
Did you do this first? That is, after you opened terminal app, did you type in cd [and then drag this folder inti the terminal window] so that after the prompt $, it showed this

cd /Applications/Utilities

then hit return

then terminal.app window now showing

/Applications/Utilities $ [enter plubys suggested commands here, one at a time hitting return after each one]

It does make sense that it is saying Neo/J not found since indeed the installer for some reason is apparently not installing Neo/J to this spot on your HD where it should/normally does.
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PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:26 am    Post subject:

Nevermind above... brainlock

Pat? now what?
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:04 am    Post subject:

So far, the output from the commands looks like what I expected. Can you execute one more command in a Terminal? Here's the command:

ls -ld /private/tmp

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Joined: May 09, 2005
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:35 am    Post subject:

This is what comes up when I type inthe command you asked me:

Last login: Thu May 19 17:44:33 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$ ls -ld /private/tmp
drwxrwxrwt 4 root wheel 136 19 May 17:14 /private/tmp
s-Computer:~ Yaniv$
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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:04 am    Post subject:

Looks to me like you should be good to go especially with the owner as "root" which I think pluby said you need to surrender your computer to for the NOJ install to happen.
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:22 am    Post subject:


Well, I cannot see anything unusual in the output that you have posted, so you will need to try the following steps:

1. Reboot your computer (this will keep the size of the log files that you will post small).
2. Before you do anything else, run the Neo/J 1.1 RC installer. When the installer says that the installation is complete, do not press the "close" button. Instead, select the File -> Show Log menu item.
3. In the "Installer Log" window that appears, check the "Show More Detail" checkbox and press the "Save" button to save a copy of the log. Open the saved file and post all of the data in the saved file.
4. Open the /Application/Utilities/Console application, copy all of the data and post the copied data.
5. Press the installer's "close" button.

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