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staggering and freezing while typing
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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
Posts: 475
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:46 am    Post subject:

Latest developments on iMac G5 running 2.1 EA (installed yesterday) with Patch 0 Test 4(?):

Processes:  56 total, 3 running, 53 sleeping... 163 threads            09:39:27
Load Avg:  2.00, 1.82, 1.78     CPU usage:  68.9% user, 31.1% sys, 0.0% idle
SharedLibs: num =  132, resident = 45.4M code, 4.22M data, 13.2M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 10715, resident =  292M + 15.9M private,  258M shared
PhysMem:   114M wired,  597M active,  300M inactive, 1012M used, 11.8M free
VM: 5.84G +  105M   139540(0) pageins, 7631(0) pageouts

 2563 soffice.bi  76.0% 11:15:36  16   527  1865   151M   177M   254M  1.07G
 2838 top         28.8%  0:02.49   1    16    26   392K   492K  2.28M  27.1M
  567 Activity M   4.6% 23:41.26   2    68   142  4.88M+ 16.4M  18.9M   162M
 2830 Terminal     3.4%  0:01.18   3    65   136  2.00M- 15.9M  16.2M-  149M-
  216 WindowServ   3.4% 83:51.48   2   336  1205  9.22M- 95.9M+ 68.8M+  265M+
  568 pmTool       2.3% 28:07.07   1    21    29   476K  1.32M  1.45M  28.1M
  384 IP in menu   1.1% 18:11.74   3    83   263  9.18M  13.8M  26.9M   168M
 2832 bash         0.0%  0:00.01   1    12    15   152K   964K  1.27M  18.2M
 2831 login        0.0%  0:00.02   1    13    37   128K   484K  2.38M  26.9M
 2825 FirstClass   0.0%  0:37.73   1    67   185  5.83M  19.8M  12.8M   158M
 2565 grep         0.0%  0:00.00   1    11    15   140K   468K   424K  17.8M
  522 Preview      0.0%  0:14.47   2    87   239  4.95M  18.9M  26.5M   158M
  468 firefox-bi   0.0% 17:22.70  10   195   525  25.6M  40.2M  67.5M   368M
  389 ClamXavSen   0.0%  0:24.05   2    60   135  4.78M  11.6M  17.2M   148M
  387 Skype        0.0%  4:56.65  11   194   302  19.1M  18.5M  43.0M   204M
  386 iTunesHelp   0.0%  0:00.43   1    51    78   468K  6.27M  7.79M   138M
  385 iCalAlarmS   0.0%  0:00.91   1    60    79   664K  3.37M  7.75M   134M
  382 IIDCAssist   0.0%  0:00.12   2    29    35   328K  2.02M  6.05M  28.9M
  379 Finder       0.0%  2:04.15   1    98   225  5.86M  26.2M  31.1M   170M
  378 SystemUISe   0.0%  0:22.64   1   229   252  5.78M  15.7M  22.9M   155M
  377 Dock         0.0%  0:05.35   2   102   144  1.03M  14.0M  9.66M   141M
  370 pbs          0.0%  0:00.56   2    32    47  1.32M  2.50M  4.37M  46.2M
  355 DirectoryS   0.0%  0:01.49   2    65   109   688K  3.02M  6.40M  31.5M
  351 xinetd       0.0%  0:00.03   1    12    20   120K   536K   696K  26.8M
  347 postfix-wa   0.0%  0:00.00   1     9    17    60K   396K   308K  17.6M
  339 automount    0.0%  0:00.01   2    29    27   232K   960K   940K  28.3M
  336 automount    0.0%  0:17.16   3    71    40   372K  1.06M  4.64M  29.1M
  335 cupsd        0.0%  1:19.64   1    11    48  6.78M  1.03M  8.45M  34.5M

So, unfortunately, it seems that the bug (wherever it is) continues in 2.1 EA.

Crying or Very sad

So, now I'll reintstate 2.0 A3B plus patch 15 plus test patch from bug 2151...

Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:59 am    Post subject:

..or try the latest Neo 2.1 EA test patch. I merged my Neo 2.0 AB3 changes into the test patch (Test Patch 5) that I posted about 7 hours ago in bug 2202.

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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
Posts: 475
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:35 am    Post subject:

pluby wrote:
..or try the latest Neo 2.1 EA test patch.... in bug 2202.

This is the route I have taken. Will keep you advised.

Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
Posts: 475
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:51 am    Post subject:

2 or 3 hours later...

Processes:  56 total, 3 running, 53 sleeping... 153 threads            14:50:23
Load Avg:  1.02, 0.62, 0.32     CPU usage:  45.5% user, 54.5% sys, 0.0% idle
SharedLibs: num =  121, resident = 36.5M code, 4.16M data, 11.8M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num =  7909, resident =  173M + 14.1M private,  170M shared
PhysMem:   105M wired,  223M active,  303M inactive,  632M used,  391M free
VM: 5.19G +  101M   60898(4) pageins, 86(0) pageouts

  594 soffice.bi  61.7%  2:09.88  15   416  1088  75.1M   110M   138M   960M
  608 Terminal    29.4%  0:03.69   3    61   125  2.67M+ 14.5M  15.8M+  149M+
  182 WindowServ   3.3%  3:55.92   2   213   523  5.17M+ 32.6M- 32.2M+  194M+
  611 top          1.3%  0:00.84   1    16    26   324K   464K  2.21M  27.1M
    0 kernel_tas   1.2%  1:47.40  41     2  2592  22.7M+    0K  80.9M+ 1.00G+
  599 pmTool       1.1%  0:02.76   1    21    28   424K  1.07M  3.07M  28.1M
  598 Activity M   0.5%  0:02.43   2    64   131  2.08M  14.3M  14.3M   164M
  431 FirstClass   0.2%  3:09.88   2   171   284  6.23M  22.1M  30.7M   162M
  332 IP in menu   0.2%  2:21.04   3    82   265  9.38M  14.3M  12.9M   168M
  335 Skype        0.0%  0:33.90  11   193   296  18.9M  21.0M  26.4M   203M
  250 OSXvnc-ser   0.0%  0:19.20   2    45    50   480K  3.60M  1.77M  98.1M
  610 bash         0.0%  0:00.02   1    12    15   176K   940K  1.27M  18.2M
  609 login        0.0%  0:00.00   1    13    37   140K   456K  2.37M  26.9M
  596 grep         0.0%  0:00.00   1    11    15   140K   440K   424K  17.8M
  578 qmgr         0.0%  0:00.06   1    12    23   140K   580K  1.63M  26.9M
  575 master       0.0%  0:00.03   1    13    19   204K   504K   712K  26.8M
  342 xinetd       0.0%  0:00.01   1    12    19   128K   520K   304K  26.8M
  336 ClamXavSen   0.0%  0:01.00   2    58   114  4.96M  8.84M  6.96M   147M
  334 iTunesHelp   0.0%  0:00.06   1    50    71   432K  4.71M  1.84M   130M
  333 iCalAlarmS   0.0%  0:00.17   1    60    70   660K  3.99M  2.84M   134M
  330 IIDCAssist   0.0%  0:00.09   2    31    34   328K  1.99M  1.70M  28.9M
  316 postfix-wa   0.0%  0:00.01   1     9    16    68K   368K   112K  17.6M

Crying or Very sad

Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
Posts: 475
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:36 am    Post subject:

This combination of 2.1 EA and patches causes a new (mis)behaviour.

I open an existing document. I print it (no editing at all). I close it by clicking on the red traffic light.

The document seems to have closed but I am left with an 'empty' white window.

All subsequent commands in Neo produce no response. I have to force quit but on re-starting there is no recovery suggesting that the document was indeed closed properly.

(I'm going to have to restore this user's computer to some semblance of normal functionality by Monday morning latest.)

Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The One
The One

Joined: May 25, 2003
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Location: Santa Barbara, CA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:29 am    Post subject:

I assume that there's no tool like gdb/CHUD/Sampler on the computer in question? top is definitely indicating it's somewhere within our stuff, so now the trick's going to be to try and isolate exactly where within it Smile It's definitely different then the high CPU load stuff I've been able to reproduce which is where other applications are hogging CPU. I've not seen this one yet myself, unfortunately.

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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:39 am    Post subject:

rays wrote:
This combination of 2.1 EA and patches causes a new (mis)behaviour.

I open an existing document. I print it (no editing at all). I close it by clicking on the red traffic light.

The document seems to have closed but I am left with an 'empty' white window.

It would have been nice to have a sample of the process. Wink

Seriously, you aren't giving me any data to go on here. I've run out of guesses so until there is some real data to work with (Ed is the only one to provide me with any meaningful data so far), don't expect any new fixes.

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 571
Location: U.S.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:52 am    Post subject:

ok - just as soon as i opened neo office the fan came on - mail is open and safari - and NEO no terminal yet.

Processes: 48 total, 2 running, 46 sleeping... 160 threads 11:48:38
Load Avg: 0.56, 0.44, 0.26 CPU usage: 8.0% user, 8.8% sys, 83.2% idle
SharedLibs: num = 165, resident = 42.1M code, 4.71M data, 9.29M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 5547, resident = 143M + 8.52M private, 122M shared
PhysMem: 69.4M wired, 151M active, 233M inactive, 455M used, 184M free
VM: 3.72G + 122M 33336(12) pageins, 0(0) pageouts

293 Terminal 3.9% 0:01.12 4 91 115 1.65M+ 7.45M 15.6M+ 112M
53 WindowServ 3.1% 2:06.48 2 165 299 3.41M+ 18.7M+ 18.5M+ 142M+
112 UniversalA 1.9% 0:38.82 1 65 92 1.10M 3.66M 3.37M 102M
0 kernel_tas 1.5% 1:33.71 41 2 1915 14.9M+ 0K 57.2M+ 686M+
297 top 1.1% 0:00.19 1 19 22 436K+ 452K+ 2.22M+ 26.9M+
284 soffice.bi 0.2% 0:23.70 13 390 660 67.3M 70.6M 116M 755M
154 mds 0.1% 0:05.08 8 93 75 2.88M 2.03M 4.14M 43.0M
62 ATSServer 0.1% 0:04.97 2 75 123 1.17M 9.56M 3.92M 59.7M
37 diskarbitr 0.0% 0:00.67 1 104 22 392K 868K 1.04M 27.1M
88 Finder 0.0% 0:08.68 4 114 173 4.24M 14.6M 13.2M 125M
1 launchd 0.0% 0:00.46 3 213 21 224K 440K 496K- 27.7M
60 coreservic 0.0% 0:01.77 3 97 126 1.08M 12.9M 8.01M 39.4M
237 lookupd 0.0% 0:01.31 2 34 38 464K- 1.00M 1.21M- 28.5M
40 securityd 0.0% 0:00.73 1 102 26 568K 1.31M 1.54M 28.5M
39 notifyd 0.0% 0:00.37 2 60 21 192K 420K 464K+ 27.2M
178 ntpd 0.0% 0:01.30 1 11 18 164K 584K 376K 26.9M

the above was just opening neo

the below is when I started typing and a freeze up and stagger - nothing happend until a few seconds later - letters apear...

Processes: 48 total, 2 running, 46 sleeping... 162 threads 11:51:47
Load Avg: 0.64, 0.52, 0.32 CPU usage: 19.3% user, 5.0% sys, 75.7% idle
SharedLibs: num = 165, resident = 42.1M code, 4.71M data, 9.30M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 5626, resident = 150M + 8.67M private, 128M shared
PhysMem: 70.2M wired, 155M active, 240M inactive, 466M used, 173M free
VM: 3.79G + 122M 33760(3) pageins, 0(0) pageouts

284 soffice.bi 12.4% 0:49.13 15 405 730 70.8M- 75.8M+ 124M- 794M-
301 Terminal 4.0% 0:01.14 4 92 117 1.64M+ 7.20M 6.09M+ 112M
53 WindowServ 3.2% 2:17.28 2 170 312 3.51M+ 21.1M+ 21.1M+ 145M+
112 UniversalA 1.8% 0:42.65 1 65 92 1.10M 3.66M 3.37M 102M
0 kernel_tas 1.7% 1:37.51 41 2 1921 14.9M 0K 57.3M+ 686M+
305 top 1.0% 0:00.18 1 18 22 440K+ 452K+ 880K+ 26.9M+
280 Mail 0.4% 0:02.33 3 108 155 3.72M+ 7.79M 8.87M+ 115M
154 mds 0.1% 0:05.21 8 92 74 2.84M- 2.03M 4.09M- 42.9M-
237 lookupd 0.1% 0:01.33 2 34 38 464K 1.00M 1.21M- 28.5M
62 ATSServer 0.0% 0:05.09 2 75 99 1.18M 9.38M 3.29M 81.1M
60 coreservic 0.0% 0:01.84 3 98 130 1.04M+ 13.3M 8.40M+ 39.5M+
35 configd 0.0% 0:04.05 3 176 64 608K 1.58M 1.84M 29.2M
32 netinfod 0.0% 0:00.79 1 14 22 196K 528K 572K 26.9M
87 SystemUISe 0.0% 0:04.77 2 238 155 2.67M 6.97M 6.48M 112M
39 notifyd 0.0% 0:00.38 2 60 21 192K 420K 460K 27.2M
178 ntpd 0.0% 0:01.33 1 11 18 164K 584K 376K 26.9M

does this help?
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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 571
Location: U.S.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:53 am    Post subject:

fan is still running full tilt!!!

about 2 minutes after closing NEO or maybe 1 1/2' the fan is off - only mail and safari running.

also sorry I have been out of town for the last day or so and could not get to doing what you requested.

and the OS has been updated as you suggested too.
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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:06 am    Post subject:

Ok weird!!!!! weird!!!!!

when i say 2 apps were open - i do not mean on the screen - safari was minimized and the mail was on but nothing showing or in the dock as open.

I just opene NEO again and as soon as it got to a blank text page fan on again and when I loadeda a2 page document it was ON.

there is something really going on here.

NEO for the first time is running HOT!!!

hope this tells you something

this is on the 12" powerbook I have not tried the 15" macbookpro yet...
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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
Posts: 475
Location: Geneva, Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:12 am    Post subject:

pluby wrote:
It would have been nice to have a sample of the process. Wink

Seriously, you aren't giving me any data to go on here. I've run out of guesses so until there is some real data to work with (Ed is the only one to provide me with any meaningful data so far), don't expect any new fixes.

In view of the increasing interest in these incidents, and its impact on 2.1 EA now confirmed, I will (on Monday) carry out my original idea to try to set-up one of our other similarly configured iMac G5s and see if we can trigger this effect on it. I'll seek agreement that we can take one out of production to dedicate some time on it to this task. I can certainly justify this in terms of present and future productivity.

Assuming that I'm going to see this effect, Ed, can you PM with the basic instructions to get the kind of data Patrick needs out of the dev tools that I'll also install on it.

Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:23 am    Post subject:

rays and K-9,

You know, I wonder how long these instructions have been posted in NeoWiki and yet no one will cough up a damn sample.

I understand that NeoOffice is using a lot of CPU. I also know that Java is seriously fubar since the Java update. Jumping up and down and screaming that it uses too much CPU is not going to fix your problem. Providing samples of NeoOffice running so that I can see where Java is spinning its wheel is.

I want everyone to clearly understand what I am saying here: I am trying to fix Apple's Java code. Java is seriously broken here. Either I will be able to hack into Java or I won't. You can either continue complaining about symptoms or you can provide me data using the well-documented steps that, quite frankly, you should already know about.

I also want you to clearly understand what is at stake here: if Java is now too unstable to rely on and I cannot fix Java myself, one clear option is to pull NeoOffice downloads and leave it as a "build-it-yourself" project. I don't like that option, but I also am not going to spend every day hearing a flood of people complain about something that I cannot fix here and in Bugzilla.

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 571
Location: U.S.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:28 am    Post subject:

I am not complaining - I was seriously trying to help you. I just know that it was weird all of a sudden and i did the command in terminal just as you asked me too.

sorry - Maybe I will go back to Pages and appleworks.

I was just doing as i was told.

thank you.
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject:

K-9 wrote:
I am not complaining - I was seriously trying to help you. I just know that it was weird all of a sudden and i did the command in terminal just as you asked me too.

"Complaining" was a poor choice of words on my part. Substitute "describing the pain instead of the specific symptoms" is closer to what I am trying to get at. It was several posts ago that rays confirmed that CPU is high. Several more "me too's" didn't add any new data and merely serve to focus more pressure on me to fix Apple's screw up without giving anything to help solve the problem.

The key to any bug is reproducibility. For those who are not aware, there is a detail guide for how to file bugs. Although we are talking about a bug in a forum instead of Bugzilla, the same issues apply.

I would like to fix this bug. I may seem blunt and harsh sometimes, but my experience is that sometimes that is needed to get people to refocus in the right direction. I know that rays knows about sampling an application as he has done it in the past for many bugs. The fact that he wasn't doing it indicated to me that people were fixation on a single diagnostic tool and ignoring the others that we use.

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The Architect
The Architect

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Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:48 am    Post subject:

rays wrote:
The document seems to have closed but I am left with an 'empty' white window.

Did you reboot the computer after installing the test patch? If not, Java has probably already maxed out the Mac OS X Window Server with dead, unreleased windows so running NeoOffice a second time even with the test patch will just pile on more load to the already overwhelmed Window Server process.

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