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NeoOffice :: View topic - staggering and freezing while typing
staggering and freezing while typing
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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:22 am    Post subject: staggering and freezing while typing

I am a fan of NEO but today I am typing a contract and the text staggers and freezes while I am typing and it takes for ever for the text to keep up with my typing. All freezes, cursor, etc. ball spins, etc. I have never seen this before to this level. any clues as to what the heck is going on?

thank you.

This is very frustrating and almost getting to be a useless situation. and NO I am by far a speed typer. I peck.
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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:40 am    Post subject:

NeoOffice version you use?
Your machine?.

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:24 am    Post subject:

i posted before but I see no post - the reply: i am on a powerbook G4 867 mghz 640 ram - never had such issues as serious as this.

the macbookpro at 2 Ghz and 2 GB ram is fast - although i have not had a chance to check this today as I was outside training all day so far.

It seems very glitchy to me. First time i ever had an issue with NEO.....go figure/

and yes I know the MBP is fast compared to the older PB but it should work better than this and it has too!
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The Architect
The Architect

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:31 am    Post subject:

Have you tried out the performance tips in the NeoWiki? I suspect that you have disk swapping or high CPU usage occurring.

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:47 am    Post subject:

Thanks 0 I just checked it out - nothing running other than mail that checks once in a while and radio (itunes radio) playing as usual.... nothing else there running. I too thought other apps etc. and even radio but I have had safari open and once a twice before another app or two with what i was working on but never the issue I had today.

I am in a quandary - it sucks really.

But the love your App!

(pondering and scratching my freakin head!!!)
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The Architect
The Architect

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Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:09 pm    Post subject:

K-9 wrote:
Thanks 0 I just checked it out - nothing running other than mail that checks once in a while and radio (itunes radio) playing as usual.... nothing else there running. I too thought other apps etc. and even radio but I have had safari open and once a twice before another app or two with what i was working on but never the issue I had today.

I am in a quandary - it sucks really.

But the love your App!

(pondering and scratching my freakin head!!!)

Are you sure you don't have any haxies or application enhancers installed? Also, does quitting and relaunching NeoOffice have any affect?

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:22 pm    Post subject:

I promise you nothing else running or going on.

also I did try shutting down the app and reopening and the same thing..

thank you.
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The Architect
The Architect

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Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:48 pm    Post subject:

K-9 wrote:
I promise you nothing else running or going on.

also I did try shutting down the app and reopening and the same thing..

thank you.

I really find it hard to believe that some application (maybe even Neooffice) is not using up most of the CPU capacity.

Can you open the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal application, run the following command, and copy and paste the output in this forum topic?:

top -o cpu -s 10

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The Merovingian

Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:28 pm    Post subject:

Processes: 46 total, 2 running, 44 sleeping... 146 threads 17:27:27
Load Avg: 0.15, 0.28, 0.23 CPU usage: 37.5% user, 62.5% sys, 0.0% idle
SharedLibs: num = 161, resident = 37.4M code, 4.72M data, 9.17M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 4473, resident = 55.9M + 7.54M private, 53.2M shared
PhysMem: 65.5M wired, 86.6M active, 116M inactive, 268M used, 371M free
VM: 2.86G + 119M 17128(0) pageins, 0(0) pageouts

280 top 0.0% 0:00.06 1 17 21 408K 416K 828K 26.9M
279 bash 0.0% 0:00.01 1 14 16 176K 872K 820K 27.2M
278 login 0.0% 0:00.02 1 16 36 148K 436K 572K 26.9M
271 Terminal 0.0% 0:03.74 5 99 129 2.07M 8.93M 18.5M 116M
268 mdimport 0.0% 0:00.41 4 62 48 828K 2.47M 2.37M 39.1M
266 Safari 0.0% 0:10.40 6 124 186 8.79M 14.6M 16.4M 124M
265 lookupd 0.0% 0:00.10 2 34 38 396K 976K 1.15M 28.5M
263 Mail 0.0% 0:02.08 3 116 161 3.88M 7.36M 8.93M 116M
246 AppleSpell 0.0% 0:00.37 1 32 35 692K 1.90M 1.86M 37.7M
244 SyncServer 0.0% 0:04.52 2 36 54 5.19M 2.61M 6.77M 39.8M
181 ntpd 0.0% 0:00.45 1 11 18 176K 552K 344K 26.9M
161 mds 0.0% 0:02.20 8 94 62 2.13M 2.06M 3.73M 42.7M
148 automount 0.0% 0:00.04 3 41 30 304K 888K 1.05M 28.7M
142 automount 0.0% 0:00.05 3 43 34 308K 920K 1.09M 29.0M
139 rpc.lockd 0.0% 0:00.00 1 10 18 108K 404K 204K 26.7M
130 nfsiod 0.0% 0:00.00 5 30 25 128K 348K 188K 28.6M

i have mail open and safari and terminal when I ran the command - thanks Patrick!
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:55 pm    Post subject:

Can you do the same command while NeoOffice is running and exhibiting the slowness?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:24 pm    Post subject:

Glancing at the list. Try quitting Safari and see what happens. Not sure if it's still true but older Safari would chew up memory if left open too long. That may have been fixed by now however as that Dave Hyatt is a pretty sharp fellow.
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The One
The One

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:54 pm    Post subject:

Yes, please post the top from when Neo is running and you're typing Smile From the initial one above, I wouldn't think that Safari memory chomping would be the issue since there are no pageouts in the listing. Odd.

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The Anomaly
(earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:43 am    Post subject:

Very interesting.... I have just this minute upgraded this user's iMac G5 from Patch 11 direct to Patch 15. We've been immediately hit by this problem which was not present before the update. The cooling fan has also gone into overdrive!

Processes:  54 total, 3 running, 51 sleeping... 156 threads            16:41:04
Load Avg:  1.52, 1.62, 1.39     CPU usage:  74.9% user, 25.1% sys, 0.0% idle
SharedLibs: num =  123, resident = 35.8M code, 3.72M data, 10.9M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num =  8261, resident =  216M + 13.5M private,  199M shared
PhysMem:   101M wired,  238M active,  329M inactive,  669M used,  354M free
VM: 5.39G + 87.0M   56416(0) pageins, 76(0) pageouts

  970 soffice.bi  64.4% 19:18.44  14   523  1335   106M   114M   129M  1008M
    0 kernel_tas  11.7%  2:22.54  41     2  2226  19.3M     0K  76.5M  1022M
  979 Terminal     7.9%  0:02.92   3    62   134  1.64M+ 17.7M  8.20M+  151M
  977 firefox-bi   4.8%  0:48.76  10   193   388  22.9M  43.5M  45.5M   360M
  179 WindowServ   3.8%  2:00.72   2   327   919  6.67M- 48.4M- 48.5M-  213M-
  974 Activity M   1.8%  0:19.11   2    68   138  3.25M+ 17.1M  8.76M+  161M
  984 top          1.2%  0:04.07   1    16    26   432K   464K   820K  27.1M
  327 IP in menu   1.0%  0:44.47   3    83   261  9.30M  15.7M  13.5M   172M
  975 pmTool       0.7%  0:08.03   1    21    28   444K  1.07M  1.01M  28.1M
  330 Skype        0.3%  0:23.27  11   193   301  18.9M  21.9M  26.5M   207M
  241 OSXvnc-ser   0.1%  0:13.30   2    45    50   504K+ 3.51M  1.78M  98.1M
  302 cupsd        0.0%  0:04.66   1    11    41  6.71M  1.03M  7.26M  34.5M
  981 bash         0.0%  0:00.01   1    12    15   172K   908K   764K  18.2M
  980 login        0.0%  0:00.01   1    13    37   144K   456K   516K  26.9M
  971 grep         0.0%  0:00.00   1    11    15   140K   440K   424K  17.8M
  337 xinetd       0.0%  0:00.02   1    12    20   128K   520K   304K  26.8M
  332 ClamXavSen   0.0%  0:02.15   2    60   115  4.42M  9.49M  6.88M   147M
  329 iTunesHelp   0.0%  0:00.16   1    50    60   404K  3.52M  1.25M   129M
  328 iCalAlarmS   0.0%  0:00.21   1    60    69   640K  3.62M  2.82M   134M
  323 IIDCAssist   0.0%  0:00.08   2    29    35   324K  1.74M  1.70M  28.9M

Now, what's the easiest way to downgrade this computer as we cannot afford the delays introduced?


Ray Saunders
World Scout Bureau
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:00 am    Post subject:

rays wrote:
Very interesting.... I have just this minute upgraded this user's iMac G5 from Patch 11 direct to Patch 15. We've been immediately hit by this problem which was not present before the update. The cooling fan has also gone into overdrive!

What is interesting is that the only thing that changed in patches 13 through 15 was to wait longer before releasing windows that have been closed to avoid the crashing caused by the Apple Java upgrade.

The crash was originally caused by Java continually to invoke housekeeping functions on windows that had already been closed (why they started doing this I'll never know) and when our old code released the window, Java released the native window and then happily keep doing more housekeeping work on a now non-existent window causing a crash.

Seems to me that these housekeeping functions are what are causing all this CPU usage on some machines. Sorry, but I have no fix for this. Apple broke something deep in Java with their last update and I cannot fix Mac OS X, we can only work around this.

We can try reproducing it in Neo 2.1 EA and I can try different experimental things in test patches, but I'm not going to experiment on a release that his been out for over 6 months. The key is that we did what we could: prevented the crashing and made the app stable again. If the result is worse performance for a small percentage of machines, that is unfortunate but we cannot afford to fix all of Apple's boneheaded mistakes every time they do them.

...and for those who think that Apple can do no wrong, remember that it was only a couple of months ago that they shipped an 80 MB update to X11 that made OOo X11 unrunnable. Wink

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The Architect
The Architect

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Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:26 am    Post subject:

rays and K-9,

After my last post, the question that comes to mind is have you installed Apple's latest Java update? If you haven't, you are probably getting the worst possible combination of behavior. You are getting Apple's excessive flushing of windows that existed in previous Java versions coupled with a longer time that this excessive flushing can occur.

Since the latest patches are designed to run safely against the latest Java update (which is the most unstable), I am curious if this behavior occurs with the latest Apple update.

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