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Blue Pill

Joined: Jun 25, 2012
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Location: Ukraine, German

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:14 am    Post subject: UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE in the NeoOffice

Dear Patrick, Ed and Tim!

I come from Ukraine, my name is Ruslan, in Ukraine I'm a.k.a. Jurko Zelenyj (George Green:) and I use NeoOffice more from version 2.xx

I would like just to confess that since 2004 I have tried various text editors:
Microsoft Office for Mac 2004,2008,2011
iWork'08 & '09
OpenOffice 2.x.x–3.x.x
LibreOffice 3.x.x

And every time I returned to my favorite NeoOffice!
Because I did't find the best text editor for Mac OS!
Both in usability and in compatibility for documents, created under Mac OS, with Microsoft Office for Windows!

As a native Ukrainian, I was very happy that NeoOffice allows to instal the Ukrainian language interface directly "from the developer"! But ...

But to the greatest sadness of all Ukrainian people, the last Ukrainian language kit was only for NeoOffice 3.0.2... Further support of Ukrainian language was stopped from unknown reason...

A lot of Ukrainian speaking users have the BIG request!
Please, turn back Ukrainian language pack to the NeoOffice!!

Moreover, technically it is not very difficult!
For example, I manually extracted the Ukrainian lang.pack files from the image NeoOffice-3.0.2-Language_Pack_Ukrainian-Intel.dmg,
and again I brought manually all relevant files to the NeoOffice.app 3.3 Beta!!

The result You can see at the screenshots:

Indeed, the whole interface are on Ukrainian language: approx. 99,99%!
Yes, the HELP Information is much less – I can't deny it.
But... if frankly, the average user looks into the HELP very rarely Smile
This is a known fact! Wink

And secondly, how many years have already passed sincethis the creation of the NeoOffice-3.0.2-Language_Pack_Ukrainian-Intel.dmg??
I think, that today the HELP would support the Ukrainian localization much higher! Ex., look to the LibreOffice one! Wink

I understand that You can reproach, they say, the Ukrainians gave no donations to NeoOffice. But here we must consider two factors.

First of all, there is not fully accessible system PayPal in Ukraine yet.
They began to work with us, perhaps, a year or two years ago, but only as a system for transactions, as a technical intermediary for payments.

So, as soon as it became available, I immediately made the first donation to NeoOffice. However, this could be done only via credit card of my wife because my personal card was blocked somehow. You can easily test it: the payment was made from the user with mailbox vitasja22@gmail.com.

Now I'm in Germany as manager of the Los Colorados band:

Therefore, as soon as it became technically possible to transfer money - I immediately did it!
Indeed, that is why I got the access to send You this letter Smile

So, all Ukrainian users will be unspeakably grateful, if You take into account on the future the following conditions:

– In recent years the number of devices from the Apple in Ukraine is growing, including notebooks MacBook PRO, MacBook Air, etc. And convincing evidence of this is that Apple Inc. in this June launched its AppStore in Ukrainian language!

In addition, starting from the Update 10.7.3, the Apple Inc. permanently included there the Ukrainian localization in Mac OS X!
I think this is unambiguous evidence that Ukrainian language is needed by users!

Obviously, that new Mac OS users mainly are switching from Windows PC platform. So, one of the first questions they have: what is the best substitute to the Microsoft Office on the Mac OS X?.

It is clear that most of them begin to move in the same way as me 5 years ago: that the new Apple users start make inquiries among experienced Mac users: which the text editor under Mac OS is better?

iWork'09 - has the support of the Ukrainian language from the developer. But iWork'09 does not have so good compatibility with documents Microsoft Office, as desired. Moreover, the interface iWork'09 for new Mac OS users – is quite unaccustomed!

OpenOffice 3.xx – I will not address here because they are not aware what is going on Smile)

Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 – a very expensive, clumsy, program, with capacity more than 1.5 GB! And it has a bunch of bugs, less compatible with..... with its older brother – Microsoft Office for PC!

In addition, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 has never had Ukrainian interface - and is not known whether it will ever generally?

But LibreOffice 3.5.4, or is even pre-release 3.6.0 - has Ukrainization from developers that easily to download and install!
Although it is not so high quality for the Mac OS as NeoOffice, but new user has not know yet this!

However, my modest attempts to attract users to NeoOffice... immediately bump into the question: "Where is there Ukrainian language interface?
The Urdu is present, Tamil is, Telugu - is! But where is Ukrainian? Do these languages' users give more donations to NeoOffice than we?"

Dear Patrick, Ed and Tim!

I fully understand your calculation that
«By adding these three languages (French, German, and Italian) to the main installer, we estimate that 95% of NeoOffice users will not need to install a language pack».

Of course, the Ukrainian language is less common than the English, French, German or Italian. But certainly it's not popular less than Czech, Slovak or Bulgarian languages! As was mentioned, Ukrainian people under Mak OS X are more and more!

So, I repeat again in my letter:
Return, please, the Ukrainian language in the linguistic sets of NeoOffice!

Moreover, nothing new here is needed: You have just take the old package NeoOffice-3.0.2-Language_Pack_Ukrainian-Intel.dmg - and rewrite the image so that it can be installed on the next NeoOffice generations: 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.3 Beta etc.

And of course, that the updated image will need to make available for download from your source

I think these changes will not take You much of time: probably less than I spent when wrote this request Smile)

Instead, the return of the Ukrainian language in NeoOffice make it more attractive for Mac users in Ukraine, and it will greatly facilitate my campaign in favor of Your nice product! Smile)

I hope, my voice will be heard, and the most importantly – Your team will listen to my appeal!

Sincerely appreciated in advance, Gentlemens,
Jurko Zelenyj

If You suddenly have not kept NeoOffice-3.0.2-Language_Pack_Ukrainian-Intel.dmg - I can kindly share it! Surprised))))

Last edited by JUR-ZZ on Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:43 am    Post subject: Re: UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE in the NeoOffice

JUR-ZZ wrote:
I think these changes will not take You much of time: probably less than I spent when wrote this request Smile)

FYI. I have moved this topic to the NeoOffice New Features Request forum because Ukrainian localization is, as you noted, not a language that we currently support.

We dropped the Ukrainian language pack after NeoOffice 3.0.2 primarily because from NeoOffice 3.2.1 onward, we stopped supporting groups of users that do not pay any significant amount of funding. While the cause may be that PayPal does not work well in the Ukraine, the result is that the total payments from .ua e-mail addresses over the last 10 years has been less than 1 day of our operating expenses.

Unfortunately, I have bad news. Based on the PayPal situation in the Ukraine, it is pretty clear that implementing your feature request will not generate any significant amount of new user payments in the near future. Essentially, we fund new features by spending current user payments to implement the new feature and then, hopefully, the new feature generates new user payments that replenishes the payments used to implement the new feature.

Also, while you may think it would be easy, merging your changes would be a significant amount of work for us and we will have no time available until at least fall of 2012. Like when Apple released Mac OS X 10.7 Lion last summer, we expect that Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion will generate lots of support requests and we will likely be working 7 days a week until at least October so even if there was as sudden increase in payments from Ukrainian users, we still would not have time to even start this new feature request until the end of 2012.

If our PayPal user payments from the Ukraine suddenly increase in the future and after our workload returns to a more sustainable number of days per week, we can reconsider your new feature request.

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Blue Pill

Joined: Jun 25, 2012
Posts: 2
Location: Ukraine, German

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:48 pm    Post subject: Re: UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE in the NeoOffice

FYI. I have moved this topic to the NeoOffice New Features Request forum because Ukrainian localization is, as you noted, not a language that we currently support.

No problem! This is rather my mistake Wink

we stopped supporting groups of users that do not pay any significant amount of funding. While the cause may be that PayPal does not work well in the Ukraine, the result is that the total payments from .ua e-mail addresses over the last 10 years has been less than 1 day of our operating expenses.

hhmmm.... 10 years ago Apple's computer in Ukraine was rather unprecedented, mysterious wonder. Approximately 90% from all computer park were Windows machines, near 7-8% were Linux computers and only 2-3% were Macs... About the state of affairs with PayPal system You already know.... Whence we had to give support to NeoOffice? Sad

What the amount of donations must be per a year from Ukrainian users, that you have begun to reckon with our language as well? Tell, please, what is the least level of the sum?

The second question is: which reasons prompted You started to include the Ukrainian language in NeoOffice on the beginning?

And really Your team gets from the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Russian, Slovak, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu users so large donations indeed, that you should reckon with their language packs, support them??

Jurko Zelenyj
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:20 pm    Post subject:

As I stated in my previous post, we are working 7 days a week just to handle the upcoming Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion release so I really do not appreciate your tone. Running the NeoOffice project is a thankless task is the last thing we will tolerate is people trying to push us around.

Sorry you thought paying for support gives you the right to force us to justify where we choose to spend our limited time. It does not, so we have returned your entire payment.

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