Having "Command" automatically appearing in the online help is really cool, however, when I looked up docking windows I still stumbled upon Ctrl strings in the section "Showing, Hiding and Docking Windows".
I unpacked the OOo 1.0.3 English help's common.jar and, after grepping through it several different ways, I came up with ~40 places where the "MAC" conditional was missing or the "MAC" conditional had "Control" or "Ctrl". I assume that the 1.0.3 localized help files at ftp.stardiv.de have some missing ones as well.
It looks like I won't fix them up before the NeoJ 0.8 release this week, but the goods news is that even though the last native Mac version of OOo before NeoJ was StarOffice 4.0, the doc writers have still attempted to maintain support for the Mac command key. That definitely made my work easier.
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