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Tomm Guest

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:41 am Post subject: Linear regression in spreadsheet |
I'm new on a mac and just got NeoOffice.
I'm trying to let spreadsheet do my linear regression.
I have a data table and I now need to Fit the data on the formel y = ax + b. I need to know how to make a graph out of my data and I need the values of “a“ and “b“ in (y=ax+b).
Is this possible in spreadsheet/calc? and how do I do it?
I hope one of you can help me
Tomm |
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Lorinda Captain Mifune

Joined: Jun 20, 2006 Posts: 2051 Location: Midwest, USA
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:18 am Post subject: |
Hi Tomm,
Welcome to the mac and NeoOffice.
I don't know the answer to your question for sure, but I looked through the Open Office and Star Office Manuals and didn't find a reference to graphs. Charts, yes. Graphs, no. (Neo Office is based on the Open Office Code)
Hopefully someone else can give you a definitive answer!
If you haven't done so already, you might also check out the sticky thread about support/help for Neo Office. There are several excellent links there. |
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valterb The Anomaly (earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2005 Posts: 463 Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa, Italy
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:25 am Post subject: |
Hi Tomm.
I think you can do like this.
Insert you data in two coloumns (first row as heading, lets say X and Y)
Than select all your data and go to Insert -> Chart
Click on Next (or change etries according to your data) and choose the chart type: one of that is called XY Chart (in myy window is the second type of chart in the second row). Click on Next.
Now you have to coose if you want only symbols 8(only your data are displayed), or only lines or both or other kind of curves.. Click on Next and make your adjustment for title chart, legend, and so on.
Click on Create. A chart will be displeyd on your Calc sheet.
Now click on your chart and click on Insert -> Statistic, choose the regrssion curve you want (Linear regression is the second), and if you want to can even choose to displey an error category (i.e. variance) and and put on the chart an error indicator.
Hope this helps you. |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:41 am Post subject: Re: Linear regression in spreadsheet |
Tomm wrote: | Hi
I need the values of “a“ and “b“ in (y=ax+b).
Is this possible in spreadsheet/calc? and how do I do it?
Tomm |
To get a and b, you can get help from Neo :
In the menu bar : Help and NeoOffice Help
Select NeoOffice Calc in the drop down menu
Formulas and Calculations
Entering Matrix Formulas
In Related topics clic on :
Calculating with Formulas
Again Related Topics
Function Wizard
List of Categories and Functions
Go to LINEST. You'll get an example which helps.
I hope this complete valterb's help. (I did not know valterb's tip, thanks !)
Jacqueline |
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valterb The Anomaly (earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2005 Posts: 463 Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa, Italy
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:58 pm Post subject: Re: Linear regression in spreadsheet |
jgd wrote: | I did not know valterb's tip, thanks !)
Jacqueline |
and I didn't know that part of the help!!!
Since my interface is in italian I had some problem to follow all instruction you gave, but at least I get it! Just to ask, in italian one of the voices of Calc help you can directly select is "retta di regressione" (free translation of this wuold be "regression line"): is there in english too? |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:04 am Post subject: Re: Linear regression in spreadsheet |
valterb wrote: |
Since my intetface is in italian I had some problem to follow all instruction you gave, but at least I get it! Just to ask, in italian one of the voices of Calc help you can directly select is "retta di regressione" (free translation of this wuold be "regression line"): is there in english too? |
And my interface is in French !
I can give you the French translation of the steps I gave
Spreadsheets = Classeurs
Formulas and Calculations = Formules et calculs
Entering Matrix Formulas = Saisie de formules de matrice
In Related topics clic on : = Rubriques connexes
Calculating with Formulas = Calcul avec des formules
Again Related Topics
Function Wizard = Assistant fonctions
List of Categories and Functions = Liste des catégories et fonctions
Array = Matrice
I don't speak italian but I guess that
retta di regression = droite de régression.
And DROITEREG is the name of the function for "droite de régression"
Hope this helps !
Jacqueline |
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valterb The Anomaly (earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2005 Posts: 463 Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa, Italy
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:28 am Post subject: |
Excellent, thanks!
So in italian the function is REGR.LIN.
In english you could get the information needed in the help typing Regression lines.
So, Tomm could get his information doing like this:
you can follow two ways: first via wizard, second via direct typing
via wizard: click on function wizard icon, choose Category -> Array than Function LINEST, and click on next
now in data_Y put your cell range or select them clicking on Shrink icon on the right. Repeat the same for data_X and click on OK.
You will see that in the cell where you start the procedure the "a" (slope), and in the next right cell the "b" (intersection with y axis).
Than if you want to display also the graph do what I write before.
Remember that if your data interval doesn't have the (0,0) (axises origin))) you can expand your axis just clicking on the graph and than Format -> Axis -> X Axis -> Scale and than deselect Minimum and type the value you want. Repeate the same for Y axis.
Valter |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:23 am Post subject: |
I think that adding this tip in NeoWiki would be helpful for statisticians. I can do that in French (but unfortunately only in French), and cite your name. But only if you and Sardisson agree, of course.
Jacqueline |
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sardisson Town Crier

Joined: Feb 01, 2004 Posts: 4588
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:22 am Post subject: |
Sure; we don't have many Calc-related tips, and this one seemed like it took a good bit of work to put together
Smokey _________________ "[...] whether the duck drinks hot chocolate or coffee is irrelevant." -- ovvldc and sardisson in the NeoWiki |
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RoyFocker Oracle

Joined: Sep 23, 2006 Posts: 218 Location: Rome, Italy
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:48 am Post subject: |
And I will give you the spanish translation:
[b]NeoOffice ayuda
Hojas de cálculo
Fórmulas y cálculos
Introducir fórmulas de matriz
En temas relacionados apretar “Calcular con fórmulasâ€
Ir de nuevo a “temas relacionados†y apretar “asistente para funcionesâ€
Allà ir a “lista de categorÃas y funcionesâ€
I think that the function is “crecimientoâ€
Maybe this translation can help...
Anche verto il consiglio del nostro "pisano":
[b]Introduce tu información en dos columnas (los nombres de las filas han de ser «x» e «y»).
Selecciona toda la información y ve a «Insertar» y escoge «diagrama»
Apreta «Siguiente» (o cambia las coordenadas de acuerdo con tus datos) y escoge el tipo de diagrama que deseas.
Apreta “Avanzarâ€
Ahora hay que escoger si quieres que se vean sólo los datos o también las lÃneas u otros tipos de curvas.
Apreta “Avanzarâ€
Hay que poner tÃtulo al diagrama y los tÃtulos de los ejes.
Apreta “Crearâ€. Se verá el diagrama en la hoja de cálculo.
Entonces apreta en el diagrama y ve a “insertar†y luego a “EstadÃsticaâ€, escoge la curva de regresión que quieras. Si escoges “desviación predeterminada†podrás cambiar el indicador de error.[b]
Greetings from Rome to "Pisa"... Speriamo che anche questa traduzione possa aiutare qualcuno!  |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: |
Thank you very much RoyFocker.
You can get the help a bit more quickly:
go to menu Help > NeoOffice Help > NeoOffice Calc > Find
enter "linear regression" as search term, and choose "Array Functions" at the top of the list.
There is a page in NeoWiki (only in French)égression
Jacqueline |
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valterb The Anomaly (earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2005 Posts: 463 Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa, Italy
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:07 am Post subject: |
jgd wrote: | I think that adding this tip in NeoWiki would be helpful for statisticians. I can do that in French (but unfortunately only in French), and cite your name. But only if you and Sardisson agree, of course.
Jacqueline |
Oh yes, I agree, and I've seen you've already knew my agreement
I'm going to start the translation of NeoWiki (well, some of that) in italian, so...
c'è qualche aiutante per l'impresa?
Valter |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:56 am Post subject: |
valterb wrote: |
Oh yes, I agree, and I've seen you've already knew my agreement
"Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles!" (= no news, good news ?)
I had no real doubt about your agreement, because all of us want to help Neo
And it's always possible to modify a page.
Quote: |
I'm going to start the translation of NeoWiki (well, some of that) in italian, so...
c'è qualche aiutante per l'impresa?
Valter |
Very nice. Welcome among the translators of NeoWiki. I did not know that the English NeoWiki was so huge. But with time and perseverance…
Jacqueline |
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valterb The Anomaly (earlier version)

Joined: Sep 23, 2005 Posts: 463 Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa, Italy
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:30 am Post subject: |
RoyFocker wrote: | [...]
Anche verto il consiglio del nostro "pisano":
This is not understandable from people that are not italian but...
(means: I'm not from Pisa but from Livorno!!! There is a huge competition amog people from these two cities, and if you calla me pisano . a person that was born in Pisa - I could defy you in a duel ).
jgd wrote: | "Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles!" |
We have the same expression, "nessuna nuova, buone nuove"
Well, I've seen tha amount of articles present in the wiki, and I'm a bit scared about it, but how could we get to Paradise if we don't make any good action?
Valter |
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jgd Agent Smith

Joined: Feb 27, 2005 Posts: 1531 Location: France
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:51 am Post subject: |
valterb wrote: | but how could we get to Paradise if we don't make any good action?
Paradise, yes, but not now, not to soon. Give us the time to translate the Wiki, and a bit more
Jacqueline |
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