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NeoOffice :: View topic - Spanish translation for NeoOffice Page - www.neooffice.org
Spanish translation for NeoOffice Page - www.neooffice.org
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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:55 am    Post subject: hey I've found...

I have found another untranslated NeoOffice Page at:



The NeoOffice download links at the bottom of this page are funded solely by donations from NeoOffice users like yourself. The cost and time spent on NeoOffice is very large for Patrick Luby and Ed Peterlin - the Mac software engineers that have created all of the improvements in NeoOffice that are not in OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice. Without donations from our users, NeoOffice would not exist.

Please consider donating. Since donations allow us to continue implementing the latest Mac OS X features in NeoOffice, we provide several special services as a way to thank our most generous donors. While many free software products such as OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice are funded by huge donations from large corporations such as Oracle and Novell, NeoOffice has no corporate sponsors. Without any corporate sponsors, Patrick and Ed must rely exclusively on donations from our users to continue implementing the latest Mac OS X features in NeoOffice.


Los links de descarga de NeoOffice en la parte inferior de esta página son financiados únicamente por donaciones de usuarios de NeoOffice como tú. El tiempo y dinero invertido en NeoOffice es muy grande para Patrick Luby y Ed Peterlin -los ingenieros de Mac que han creado todas la mejoras y características de NeoOffice que no están presentes ni en OpenOffice.org ni en LibreOffice. Sin las donaciones de nuestros usuarios NeOffice no podría existir.

Por favor considera donar. Debido a que las donaciones nos permiten continuar implementando las últimas características de Mac OS X a NeoOffice, proveemos ciertos servicios especiales como una manera de agradecer a nuestros donantes más generosos. Mientras que mucho software libre como OpenOffice.org y LibreOffice está financiado por enormes donaciones de grandes compañias como Oracle y Novell, NeoOffice no tiene ningún patrocinador corporativo. Sin ningún patrocinador corporativo, Patrick y Ed deben confiar exclusivamente en donaciones hechas por nuestros usuarios para continuar implementando las mas nuevas características de Mac OS X en NeoOffice.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:04 am    Post subject: Oh no........

Error: "Comouna"
Explanation: "joined words"
Responsible: "me"
Correct: "Como una"
Link: "https://www.neooffice.org/neojava/es/mirrors.php?file=NeoOffice-3.2-Intel.dmg"

Error: "nustros"
Explanation: "joined words"
Responsible: "me"
Correct: "nuestros"
Link: "https://www.neooffice.org/neojava/es/mirrors.php?file=NeoOffice-3.2-Intel.dmg"

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:12 am    Post subject:

Your new translations for the NeoOffice 3.1.2 download plus the typo corrections in your other 2 posts are now on the main website.

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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:37 am    Post subject: Hmmm...?

Ok, this topic was created to translate NeoOffice Website. I think that to translate NeoOffice Mobile website I should create another topic, so that the translations for each one can be in a different topic. 'Cause I know that NeoOffice website will change in the future and that it will require new translations so I think to leave this topic for Main Website and create another for NeOffice Mobile website.

Is it ok?

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:41 am    Post subject: Re: Hmmm...?

netocp-1 wrote:
Ok, this topic was created to translate NeoOffice Website. I think that to translate NeoOffice Mobile website I should create another topic, so that the translations for each one can be in a different topic. 'Cause I know that NeoOffice website will change in the future and that it will require new translations so I think to leave this topic for Main Website and create another for NeOffice Mobile website.

Is it ok?

I agree. Creating a new topic for NeoOffice Mobile translations is a good idea.

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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:27 am    Post subject: Donations

Two bugs found

Page: Donativos de NeoOffice
Bug: translation failure
Solution: NeoOffice new feature requests = Solicitud de nuevas características para NeoOffice
Responsible: unknown

Page: Donativos de NeoOffice
Bug: typo error
Solution: Usuarios que hayan donado €18 (o US$25 o £15 o CA$25 o AU$25 o ¥2084) o más dentro del ñultimo = Usuarios que hayan donado €18 (o US$25 o £15 o CA$25 o AU$25 o ¥2084) o más dentro del ultimo
Responsible: me

Laughing Laughing Laughing

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Donations

FYI. I have posted your 2 updates to the main website.

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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:09 am    Post subject: NeoOffice Support Page Translation

Hello, I've found an untranslated section on the NeoOffice Support Page:

Direct support from the NeoOffice engineers

While many software products offload support to community forums that are not staffed by software engineers, the NeoOffice engineers believe in a different approach: the NeoOffice engineers handle all support requests directly. By working directly on support problems, in many cases we can fix critical crashing and hanging bugs as fast as possible.

Since Patrick and Ed are the only engineers available that have the skills to work on the NeoOffice code, we can only provide support to users who have paid €70 (o US$100 o £60 o CA$100 o AU$100 o ¥8334) or more within the last year.

After you post a question or bug in our NeoOffice Support forum, the NeoOffice engineers will handle your support request directly.


Soporte directo de los ingenieros de NeoOffice.

Mientras que muchos productos de software obtienen soporte de una comunidad que no es atendida por los ingenieros del software, los ingenieros de NeoOffice creen en un enfoque diferente: los ingenieros de NeoOffice manejan todas las solicitudes de soporte directamente. Al trabajar directamente en problemas de soporte, en muchos casos podemos reparar errores críticosy problemas de fallo en la ejecución de NeoOffice tan rápido como sea posible.

Debido a que Patrick y Ed son los únicos ingenieros disponibles que poseen las habilidades de trabajar con el código de NeoOffice, solo podemos proveer soporte a los usuarios que donen €70 (o US$100 o £60 o CA$100 o AU$100 o ¥8334) o más dentro del último año.

Después de postear alguna pregunta o reporte de error en el Foro de Soporte de NeoOffice, los ingenieros de NeoOffice manejarán tu solicitud de soporte directamente.

PD: sorry for not posting the links where they should be, instead of the links, I underline the words that have a link related (I don't remember how to add links Embarassed ).

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:22 pm    Post subject:

FYI. I have posted your translations on the main website.

Note: I made one correction. I changed "que donen" to "que hayan pagado". We stopped using "donation" and "donate" earlier this year as we started charging for download services back in early 2011. So now we are using the replacement terms in this post.

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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:45 am    Post subject: Main Page

This is the translation for the main page header.

Retina display users:

NeoOffice 3.3 adds high resolution text drawing
NeoOffice 3.3 adds several new features:

• Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Gatekeeper
• New Cocoa code replaces Java
• Automatic installation of French, German, and Italian language packs
Download NeoOffice 3.2.1 for free


Usuarios de pantallas de retina:

NeoOffice 3.3 agrega alta resolución de dibujado de texto
NeoOffice 3.3 agrega muchas nuevas características:

*Compatible con Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion y Gatekeeper
*Un nuevo código Cocoa reemplaza a Java
*Instalación automática de paquetes de idioma Francés, Alemán, e Italiano.

Descarga NeoOffice 3.2.1 gratis

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:05 am    Post subject: Bug...???

Hello Patrick I was looking at the NeoOffice Features Page and I could see something that at least for me is a bug.

I attach a picture of the page as it appears in Internet Explorer 8.

The pictures located in "High resolution text drawing on Retina displays" appears to be moved. I don't know, they seem too big because they even hide some part of the text.

I don't know if this only happens on Internet Explorer, I don't know if Safari or Mozilla on Macs have this problem, but Internet Explorer on Windows XP do have it.

And as far as I can see it happens in all the available langues of the website (not only in spanish).

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice

Last edited by netocp-1 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:55 am    Post subject: Re: Bug...???

netocp-1 wrote:
I don't know if this only happens on Internet Explorer, I don't know if Safari or Mozilla on Macs have this problem, but Internet Explorer on Windows XP do have it.

What you see in Internet Explorer does not occur in Safari, Firefox, or Chrome on my Mac (see attached screen snapshot). Since the image layout problem only occurs in Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer is no longer used on Mac OS X, the problem should not affect Mac users.

You can use the attached screen snapshot to translate that feature.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:02 pm    Post subject: Ok

I see, I imagined that this problem could only occur on Internet Explorer. However now I know that Mac users won't have this explorer bug on their macs.
-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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Joined: Sep 22, 2008
Posts: 225

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:41 pm    Post subject: Features Page

High Resolution Text Drawing on Retina Displays

Apple now ships Mac machines with Retina displays

While text appears very blurry on a Retina display in applications that have not added support for Retina displays, the NeoOffice engineers have added code to draw text properly on Retina displays.

The top screen snapshot shows how our Retina display code draws high resolution text on a Retina display. In contrast, the bottom screen snapshot shows how text drawing appears in applications that do not support Retina displays.

Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Gatekeeper

Apple's Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion contains many changes. To ensure that NeoOffice will run smoothly on this new version of Mac OS X, the NeoOffice engineers have dedicated a significant amount of time testing NeoOffice on all "developer preview" versions of Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion to find and fix any changes that affect NeoOffice before Apple's official release of Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Also in Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Apple has added a new feature called Gatekeeper that is designed to help prevent Mac users from installing malicious software on their machine. To ensure that NeoOffice will install and run on machines using Gatekeeper's default settings, the NeoOffice engineers have digitally signed all NeoOffice installers and binary files so that Gatekeeper can verify that the NeoOffice engineers are registered Apple software developers. The NeoOffice engineers digitally sign NeoOffice using our legal corporate name - Planamesa Inc. - so only NeoOffice installers signed by Planamesa Inc. should be trusted.

New Cocoa code replaces Java

NeoOffice now uses Apple's Cocoa framework to display windows, manage menus, and print. This new Cocoa code replaces the Java code that performed these functions in previous versions of NeoOffice. The new Cocoa code improves NeoOffice's startup and printing speed. It also removes the need for Java - a technology that Apple has begun been phasing out of Mac OS X - for most NeoOffice users. Java is now only used to open Base database files and to run a small number of NeoOffice's many wizards.

Automatic installation of French, German, and Italian language packs

French, German, and Italian users no longer need to install a language pack. In previous versions of NeoOffice, users who wanted to see NeoOffice's menus, buttons, and help text in French, German, or Italian needed to install a language pack. While most users download NeoOffice from an English speaking country, a large number of our users download from French, German, and Italian speaking countries. By adding these three languages to the main installer, we estimate that 95% of NeoOffice users will not need to install a language pack.


Dibujado de texto de alta resolución en pantallas de Retina

Apple ahora presenta computadoras Mac con pantalla de Retina.

Mientras que el texto aparece muy borroso en una pantalla de retina en aplicaciones que aún no han agregado soporte para este tipo de pantallas, los ingenieros de NeoOffice han agregado código para dibujar texto correctamente en pantallas de Retina.

La captura de pantalla superior muestra como nuestro código de pantalla de Retina dibuja texto de alta resolución en estos tipos de pantalla. En contraste, la captura de pantalla inferior muestra como aparece el dibujado de texto en aplicaciones que no soportan pantallas de Retina.

Compatible con Mac OS X Mountain Lion y Gatekeeper

El Mac OS X Mountain Lion de Apple contiene muchos cambios.

Para asegurarse que NeoOffice se ejecutará suavemente en esta nueva versión de Mac OS X, los ingenieros de NeoOffice han dedicado una significativa cantidad de tiempo a probar NeoOffice en todas las versiones de vista previa para desarrolladores de Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion para encontrar y reparar cualquier cambio que afecte NeoOffice antes del lanzamiento oficial de Apple de Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Además en Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Apple ha agregado una nueva característica llamada Gatekeeper que está diseñada para ayudar a prevenir a los usuarios de Mac de instalar software malicioso en sus computadoras. Para asegurarnos que NeoOffice se instalará y ejecutará en computadoras que utilicen la configuración predeterminada de Gatekeeper, los ingenieros de NeoOffice han firmado digitalmente todos los instaladores de NeoOffice asi como sus archivos binarios a fin de que Gatekeeper pueda verificar que los ingenieros de NeoOffice son desarrolladores de software de Apple registrados. Los ingenieros de NeoOffice firmamos digitalmente NeoOffice utilizando nuestra razón social legal - Planamesa Inc. - asi que sólo los instaladores de NeoOffice firmados por Planamesa Inc deben ser de confianza.

Nuevo código Cocoa reemplaza a Java

NeoOffice ahora utiliza el Framework Cocoa de Apple para mostrar ventanas, gestionar menús e imprimir.

Este nuevo código Cocoa reemplaza al código Java el cual ejecutó estas funciones en versiones previas de NeoOffice. El nuevo código Cocoa mejora la velocidad de inicio e impresión de NeoOffice. Además elimina la necesidad de uso de Java - una tecnología que Apple ha comenzado a eliminar gradualmente de Mac OS X - para muchos usuarios de NeoOffice. Java es ahora únicamente usado para abrir archivos de bases de datos de Base y para ejecutar un pequeño número de asistentes de NeoOffice.

Instalación automática de los paquetes de idioma Francés, Alemán e Italiano

Los usuarios franceces, alemanes e italianos ya no necesitarán instalar un paquete de idioma adicional. En versiones anteriores de NeoOffice, los usuarios que deseaban ver los menús, botones y el texto de ayuda de NeoOffice en Francés, Alemán e Italiano necesitaban instalar un paquete de idioma. Aunque la mayoria de nuestros usuarios descargan NeoOffice desde un país de habla inglesa, un gran número de nuestros usuarios descargan NeoOffice desde paises que hablan Francés, Alemán e Italiano. Al agregar estos tres idiomas al instalador principal, estimamos que un 95% de los usuarios de NeoOffice no necesitarán instalar un paquete de idioma.

-Samuel -
Someone who doesn't help to NeoOffice
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 11949

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:19 pm    Post subject:

FYI. I have posted your translations on the main website. Please let me know if I missed any of your translations.

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