Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:42 pm Post subject: hyperlink to reveal file in finder?
i'd like to be able to create a hyperlink in a column. the data in the column is filenames. what i'd like to be able to do is to have a filename be clickable such that the click action opens a finder window for the file's location, showing the file highlighted.
is this possible? how would i go about this?
if it's helpful, it wouldn't be a problem to include a column with the path to each file as there are only a couple of places where the files reside.
Joined: Mar 15, 2007 Posts: 43 Location: Wisconsin US
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:51 am Post subject: Re: hyperlink to reveal file in finder?
BabaG wrote:
i'd like to be able to create a hyperlink in a column. the data in the column is filenames. what i'd like to be able to do is to have a filename be clickable such that the click action opens a finder window for the file's location, showing the file highlighted.
is this possible? how would i go about this?
if it's helpful, it wouldn't be a problem to include a column with the path to each file as there are only a couple of places where the files reside.
The problem I think is to get the file highlighted. You would need an applescript or something like that to get it to work. Is that OK? No matter what, what you are asking will mean any spreadsheet like this would only work on Mac's and only with only with the directory structure you are imposing. If that is ok then you must add a script that given a fully qualified file name (path included) just opens the finder with that file selected.
You use hyperlinks to do this.
To just get the file to open you do this:
Insert - Hyperlink in the column. Then make sure Document Option is clicked on the left side. Use the Folder button next to the Path field to locate the file you want. and select it. Enter the File Name you want to show in the Text Field. In the spreadsheet now, when you click on the name of the file it will open in whatever app is default for it.
To Open the directory that contains that file, just do the exact same thing as above, but when you have selected the document actually edit the path field so that the document name itself is removed. That will get you the directory in the finder to open when you select the link.
Now to get the finder to have this file selected... Given an applescript (osascript file) that when passed a path and file name opens the finder to that path and selects the file name, you just select this program in the hyperlink with the appropriate parameter of file name and path. I know the finder can be commanded to do this, but the osacript to do so I don't know. The "path" in the hyperlink will look something like
You may be able to omit the path-to-osascript-if-necessary/ part
This will work post 10.4 when they added command line parameters to osascript.
You could actually create an OO macro that does the whole thing also and make that execute when the cell was selected, but you will still need to call OSA script I believe inside that to get the finder to do what you want.
I am having a hard time figuring out why you would want to do this actually.
There are likely other ways also. But I'm not real familiar with them.
just for info, and thanks by the way, this is all very helpful and will get me to the next step, the spreadsheet is a listing of a library of shots taken with a video camera. there are thousands of files. i want to set up a searchable spreadsheet such that clicking on a filename will preview the shot in a player and clicking in another spot will reveal the shot in the library so that it can be dragged into final cut pro.
guess i'm off to figure out apple script for this. something else i know nothing about.
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