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Lorinda Captain Mifune

Joined: Jun 20, 2006 Posts: 2051 Location: Midwest, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:55 am Post subject: |
It looks like the problem is back again. Today I quit Neo (3.3 patch 1 test 9), and all the documents closed, but Neo hung and wouldn't quit until I used Force Quit.
Sample attached.
Note to self: this was on Majel |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:11 am Post subject: |
Are you running a third-party grammar checker or other extension? I ask because your sample shows that the code is running two JavaScript threads and JavaScript is one of the's supported languages for third-party extensions.
Patrick |
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Lorinda Captain Mifune

Joined: Jun 20, 2006 Posts: 2051 Location: Midwest, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:29 am Post subject: |
Here's a partial list from my Extensions manager:
ConvertTextToNumber-1.4.0 oxt [used in Calc, and I did use Sunday, Neo may have been left running since then]
Zotero OpenOffice Integration 3.5a1
And these from Sun:
PDF Import Extension 1.0
Presentation Minimizer
Presenter Console
Sun Report Builder
I also have the standard NeoOffice extensions (Image Capture, etc.)
Plus a few dictionaries; I can list those for you if that would be helpful.
Aside from the English dictionary, the only one I would have been actively using recently is ConvertTextToNumber
Lorinda |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:38 am Post subject: |
Lorinda wrote: | ConvertTextToNumber-1.4.0 oxt [used in Calc, and I did use Sunday, Neo may have been left running since then] |
Since the hang is in the grammer checker code and is not in the core code like the original bug that I fixed, that strongly suggests that the above third-party extension (or another third-party extension that uses's grammar checking functions) is the cause of the hang.
So, please disable that extension and if NeoOffice 3.3 Patch 2 still hangs, then post a new sample.
Patrick |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:27 am Post subject: |
pluby wrote: | Since the hang is in the grammer checker code and is not in the core code like the original bug that I fixed, that strongly suggests that the above third-party extension (or another third-party extension that uses's grammar checking functions) is the cause of the hang. |
After looking at your sample again, I do not think that ConvertTextToNumber is the likely extension that is causing the hanging. Instead, I suspect that something on your machine (either a third-party extension or a system haxie) is loading Mac OS X's bundled JavaScriptCore library within NeoOffice.
Neither NeoOffice nor load Mac OS X's bundled JavaScriptCore library and it appears that whatever JavaScript is being executed in the 2 JavaScriptCore threads is blocking termination of NeoOffice.
Can you disable all third-party extensions except the 4 Sun ones that you listed, restart NeoOffice, and take another sample? Then, in the sample search for "JavaScriptCore". If you cannot find any occurrences of "JavaScriptCore" in the sample, then one of your third-party extensions is loading that native Mac OS X library. If that is the case, reenable one disabled extension, use it, and resample.
When "JavaScriptCore" appears in the sample, disable the last reenabled extension, reenable all other disabled extensions, and let us know which extension is caused "JavaScriptCore" to be loaded as I am very concerned that you have installed some sort of malware on your machine.
Patrick |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:44 am Post subject: |
Please ignore my last post. I found what was causing the "JavaScriptCore" library to load: Apple's "webview" that we use for the update check window and NeoOffice Mobile window loads that library.
So, we are back to the grammar checker being the area to continue look for the cause of the hanging. ConvertTextToNumber does not seem to use the grammar checker so I am interested to know which non-Sun extensions you have installed that are grammar checkers.
Patrick |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:14 pm Post subject: |
I might have found a possible case that might cause hanging other than a grammar checker extension. In theory, this cause should not happen but if NeoOffice somehow starts the shutdown process while in the background timer, then the background timer will never let any other code execute and NeoOffice will never shutdown.
I have fixed this possible case so before we spend more time on tracking down which extension is triggering the grammar checker code, can you install the following test patch and run it with all your third-party extensions enabled?
If the hanging occurs again with the test patch, please post another sample and I can see if the grammar checker code is still blocking:
Patrick |
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Lorinda Captain Mifune

Joined: Jun 20, 2006 Posts: 2051 Location: Midwest, USA
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:55 pm Post subject: |
Thanks, Patrick. I'll try to get the patch installed in the next day or two. I'm relieved that ConvertTextToNumber is not likely the culprit: I use it every week and would be hard pressed to turn it off and keep it off.
Lorinda |
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pluby The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003 Posts: 11949
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:09 pm Post subject: |
FYI. I have included the fix that was in the previous test patch in NeoOffice 3.3 Patch 3. The patch can be downloaded from the NeoOffice 3.3 patch download page.
Patrick |
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