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NeoOffice and vertical/bi-directional writing
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Red Pill

Joined: Jun 07, 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:48 pm    Post subject: NeoOffice and vertical/bi-directional writing

I'm back again with a related question. I've figured out the international input problem but I can't figure out whether or not I can write from up to down and right to left in traditional Japanese fashion on NeoOffice. Does anyone know if it's rigged up for such a feat. Many thank yous.
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The Anomaly

Joined: Nov 21, 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:51 pm    Post subject:

pittoja, Welcome to NeoOffice,

Glad you were able to figure out your problem with entering Japanese text. We really appreciate new Users who can answer their own questions. Very Happy

I know Neooffice 2.0 can do Left-to-Right AND Right-to-Left - just select the ICON (P<-) to the right of Bold Italic Underline icons.
NeoOffice Help wrote:
Languages Using Complex Text Layout
Currently, NeoOffice supports Hindi, Thai, Hebrew, and Arabic as CTL languages.
If you select the text flow from right to left, embedded Western text still runs from left to right. The cursor responds to the arrow keys in that Right Arrow moves it "to the text end" and Left Arrow "to the text start".
You can change the text writing direction directly be pressing one of the following keys:
Ctrl+Shift+D or Ctrl+Right Shift Key - switch to right-to-left text entry
Ctrl+Shift+A or Ctrl+Left Shift Key - switch to left-to-right text entry
The modifier-only key combinations only work when CTL support is enabled.

Related Topics
Selecting the Document Language
Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages
Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Complex Text Layout

I don't know how to select Bottom-to-Top but I'm sure that the Help has more information.

Plus, any help articles about OpenOffice.org 2.x that you might find on the internet should also work for NeoOffice 2.x

Philip (NeoOffice User and sometimes question answerer Wink )
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The Architect
The Architect

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:29 pm    Post subject:

You can insert vertical text, but it is not intuitive. Here are the steps that I use when I test Japanese vertical input in Writer:

1. Select the View -> Toolbars -> Drawing menu item so that the Drawing toolbar appears at the bottom of the screen.

2. Click on the "T" icon that is rotated 90 degrees (i.e. the "fallen over" T icon).

3. Click an area in the document and drag the mouse to create a box.

4. Type your Japanese text in this box.

I don't really like this "text box" approach, but it is how OpenOffice.org (which NeoOffice is based on) handles vertical text.

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Red Pill

Joined: Jun 07, 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:30 pm    Post subject:

Thanks Philip and Patrick. Your suggestions were exactly what I needed. The box method isn't the quickest way but it certainly works fine. Thanks again.

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Town Crier
Town Crier

Joined: Feb 01, 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:27 am    Post subject:

I wiki'd some of this information, since I had forgotten how we did vertical text (Patrick has explained it before) and since bidi, CTL, and vertical support are some of Neo's most significant features.

I'll polish the other sections later (or someone else can if they feel the urge Smile ), but the vertical section is now up and ready for prominence Wink



"[...] whether the duck drinks hot chocolate or coffee is irrelevant." -- ovvldc and sardisson in the NeoWiki
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The Anomaly

Joined: Nov 21, 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:54 pm    Post subject:

sardisson wrote:
I wiki'd some of this information, since I had forgotten how we did vertical text (Patrick has explained it before) and since bidi, CTL, and vertical support are some of Neo's most significant features.

I'll polish the other sections later (or someone else can if they feel the urge Smile ), but the vertical section is now up and ready for prominence Wink



THANKS Smokey,

The use of "Bidi" seems ... non-standard (and confused ...me Wink ). Most usage I have seen is CTL (Complex Text Layout) with references to text flow Arrow Left-to-Right (western) and Right-to-Left (for: Japanese, "Hindi, Thai, Hebrew, and Arabic").

Yes, It's bi-directional, but it looks like it's referred to as CTL and/or right to left (RTL) text flow in most common references.

Thank you so much for capturing these important items in the Wiki.
I could not remember how to do Bottom-to-Top text. So strange.

Philip (The Wiki knows all, sees all, encompasses all! Wink )
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