Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:57 am Post subject: New Icon and Splash Screen?
First of all I want to thank the people that have created neooffice J for the mac. I love it and I use it at work every day.
I would however like ask that and I mean this with all due respect for all involved in the creation of this wonderful software. That if you could update the neooffice logo to reflect what it truly is, a kick butt product.
The current logo and Icon is very bland and not very colorful or descriptive of it's true power. I would like to see more of an OSX like splash screen and icon for neooffice J. Maybe even incorporate the little ( JAVA Icon) Duke Character from Sun Microsystems. As a loyal user of this great software I would like to Thank you again for having a great piece of useful software and I do not mean to insult any one.
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:09 am Post subject: Re: New Icon and Splash Screen?
neofx wrote:
First of all I want to thank the people that have created neooffice J for the mac. I love it and I use it at work every day.
And Patrick keeps denying he is a genius .
neofx wrote:
That if you could update the neooffice logo to reflect what it truly is, a kick butt product.
The current logo and Icon is very bland and not very colorful or descriptive of it's true power. I would like to see more of an OSX like splash screen and icon for neooffice J.
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:23 am Post subject: more info!
I forgot to add that I am a contractor at Sun Microsystems and I have to tell you. NeoOffice is a welcome site for many people at Sun that use macs.
Up until the truce between Sun and Microsoft there was a need to use anything but Microsoft Office. The pc users had the alternative of using Star Office but the mac faithful were stuck trying to use Open Office which is great but a bit difficult for most people to configure it to work on X11.
Neooffice is so much easier. I would bet that if more input is added to this alternative to Microsoft Office you guys would get the full support of lots of people.
I truly think that a great looking splash screen along with a new icon. Again I don't want to upset or insult any one but really..... the current icon and splash are not very indicative of the power of neoofficeJ.
JAVA is of course very much supported by Sun Microsystems and I happen to occasionaly work with Mr. Goslin the creator of JAVA and I truly believe that there is an upsurge in the use of java technology worldwide.
Please update icon and splash. First impressions are very important in this day an age. Keep up the great work.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:49 am Post subject: Set of different icons (Office like) for NeoOffice
neofx wrote:
The current logo and Icon is very bland and not very colorful or descriptive of it's true power. I would like to see more of an OSX like splash screen and icon for neooffice J.
Thanks a lot for porting OpenOffice to Mac OS X. That's a great stuff.
If anyone, as neofx, doesn't like the "ship" style icons, ere is a set of different icons (Office like) for NeoOffice.
Question: does anyone know of to change the splash screen? I think it's hard-coded but couldn't figure out how to change it... Thanks.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:00 am Post subject: Set of different icons (Office like) for NeoOffice
neofx wrote:
The current logo and Icon is very bland and not very colorful or descriptive of it's true power. I would like to see more of an OSX like splash screen and icon for neooffice J.
Thanks a lot for porting OpenOffice to Mac OS X. That's a great stuff.
The current logo and Icon is very bland and not very colorful or descriptive of it's true power. I would like to see more of an OSX like splash screen and icon for neooffice J. Maybe even incorporate the little ( JAVA Icon) Duke Character from Sun Microsystems.
I've done a new splash screen more in sync with the NeoOffice/J project. I added the Java logo according to the neofx idea. Hope I will hurt no one in the NeoOffice team who does a great job.
Last edited by lashampoo on Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total
Just so folks aren't put off taking a look, the file size is actually 236KB and not 236MB!! _________________ PBG4, 1.5GHz, SuperDrive, 1GB RAM, 128MB VRAM, 5400rpm 80GB HD, MacOS X 10.4.5
Like the icons - not so sure about the splash screen, but it's all down to taste, innit? Thanks for the work.
It's worth mentioning that you need to log out/in again to clear OSX's icon cache from the file associations with the old icons.
I liked the red icon very much. Good one.
Can anyone tell me how to make these sets?
Ideally, I would like to:
- keep MS Office icons for the respective MS Office files,
- keep the Mac native .txt and .rtf icons,
- have an MS-lookalike icon with the W and the P and a purple upper bar for Wordperfect files.
- keep the ship for the program only (nostalgic reasons) or use the Crystal icon that Kevin Hendricks used for his Tech Preview build.
- retouch/deface (depends on your POV) the official OpenOffice 1.1 splash screen..
And do one of these for the OpenOffice / NeoOffice/J files (.s*):
- use the Crystal icons that Kevin Hendricks used in his Tech Preview / Begin_OOo script for the native Open Office documents.
- use icons like the red one that lashampoo made. Put an O in the upper bar, but keep the MS colors (map blue->writer, green->calc, orange->impress and do other types in red)
- use the icons like the previous but have a W in the blue upper bar for writer, C in a green upper bar for calc and an I in the orange upper bar for impress.
But I don't know where the names and designations for the various icon files are held, and I wonder what a good program to edit these icons would be...
Joined: May 25, 2003 Posts: 4752 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:28 pm Post subject:
Just slightly on topic...history for the ship...
The first neo really whipped itself up really quickly as a death march for OSXCON 2002. When I decided to do it GPL and with a new name, I figured it could use a nice splashscreen or something. Not being an artist, I wanted to run out and take a slice off of someone else's stuff so I went to the Library of Congress. They had this entire 18th century map collection I found a cool engraved map and started rummaging through it
Neo started as a prototyping project, kind of "exploring" new ground for porting and doing things that several people didn't think were possible. So I figured that an exploring theme would be kinda cool of a ship sailing to the new lands ahead. And I figured it fit in with the OOo seagulls that could be flying alongside it. The map of course had other cool shit in the water like dragons and mermaids and stuff, but I thought the ship was the best.
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:04 am Post subject: Thanks
The first neo really whipped itself up really quickly as a death march for OSXCON 2002. When I decided to do it GPL and with a new name, I figured it could use a nice splashscreen or something. Neo started as a prototyping project, kind of "exploring" new ground for porting and doing things that several people didn't think were possible.
Hi Openstep!
Are you THE Edward H. Peterlin? Thanks again for the great work you've done with NeoOffice/J. Thanks to you, I'm the living proof that you can use a computer Micro$oft Free (not even Explorer on my machines). NeoOffice/J is a TRUE alternative to the M$ Office on our platform.
You've done the work Apple should have done if they updated AppleWorks which is the same version since 1991...
I know that a simple Thanks is not enough, so I've donated and hope people who are reading this will do the same.
I hope I didn't hurt you posting an alternate splash screen. As neofx said, the old splash screen didn't reflect the true power of NeoOffice. (I still don't know if the alternate splash screen does too although
Neo started as a prototyping project, kind of "exploring" new ground for porting and doing things that several people didn't think were possible. So I figured that an exploring theme would be kinda cool of a ship sailing to the new lands ahead. And I figured it fit in with the OOo seagulls that could be flying alongside it. The map of course had other cool shit in the water like dragons and mermaids and stuff, but I thought the ship was the best.
Good know. If a new branding of NeoOffice wants to stay on this course, some kind of exploration vehicle is required, but probably of a somewhat more modern theme (reflecting the more mature nature of the software)..
So that means a sailing ship, spaceship or something else. Could also use a snapshot of one of these wormhole tunnels like in Dr. Who or 2001: A Space Odessy. Adobe already uses binoculars and magnifiers, so those are out.
I'd personally throw out the Enterprise (all versions) but consider Spaceship One. I personally like modern sailing boats as well .
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