It you can't say anything NICE -- SHUT The *&%^ UP.
I wonder is this is the proper way for a Project Leader to act?
I would not want to follow someone who feels that they only way to build support is to put down another project. Especially a project that seems to be doing the work instead of taking and taking and talking....
Seems like a way to piss of as many people as possible, with little reward?
Philip (Seems like Neo 2.OH! is DOING everything others "talk" about )
I just got finished reading the MacBidouille forum thread (with a little help from online mutarjims from time-to-time; my French is, uh, rusty as val1984 can attest), and it seems that generally the reactions to the EAP (as opposed to any of the other subjects that appeared in the thread, which ran the gamut) were positive, which is good
I was a little concerned, because although the EAP page itself (and the Wiki FAQ) was clear that this was done as a way to raise funds to further development, the subsequent announcements (trinity news and the update mailing list) didn't really address that point.
Smokey _________________ "[...] whether the duck drinks hot chocolate or coffee is irrelevant." -- ovvldc and sardisson in the NeoWiki
Joined: Nov 21, 2005 Posts: 1285 Location: Witless Protection Program
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:29 pm Post subject:
I reviewed the MacBidouille forum thread too, and my high school French is even more rusty. Baring the "unnecessary" flamming by some, the reactions seemed ... fair-to-ok.
I would agree that the later Trinity news items were a little less clear that this was a way to raise funds. I guess because I read the Wiki and EAP pages so often during review that I thought this point was very, VERY well covered.
But then, why read the details when it's easier to flame with a personal opinion/agenda. I hope other announcments can be as clear as the EAP and Wiki pages.
Philip (done with flames, to busy testing/using/loving Neo 2.OH! Alpha )
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:01 pm Post subject: Awesome!
I bought a subscription to the EAP and wanted to file a complaint:
Patrick doesn't know how to release an Alpha. This build is _far_ too stable and feature rich to be named as such.
Seriously, I'm very impressed with what I'm seeing in NeoOffice 2.0's Alpha. I used it throughout the day. It launches much faster on my PowerBook than NeoOffice 1.x ever did. (G4 1.5GHz, 1.25GB RAM) How did you improve the startup time so much? Nifty.
It's great to finally start moving to OpenDocument files. I'm very pleasantly surprised with this rock-solid and fast "alpha" release. There's no doubt that you're a software engineer. I was so encouraged with this build that I started to compile from sources on the Intel Mini at work at the end of the day. I wonder if it will be done in the morning. Either way, I'll be broaching the subject of an EAP subscription for work tomorrow.
Anyway, well done. I look forward to future refinement and Intel support, though "just" having feature parity with the other platforms that I work with is huge.
Seriously, I'm very impressed with what I'm seeing in NeoOffice 2.0's Alpha. I used it throughout the day. It launches much faster on my PowerBook than NeoOffice 1.x ever did. (G4 1.5GHz, 1.25GB RAM) How did you improve the startup time so much? Nifty.
Actually, Sun's OOo engineers deserve much of the credit for the faster startup. From what I understand, this was one of the major engineering efforts that Sun did between OOo 1.1.x and OOo 2.0.x.
BTW. The Alpha isn't perfect as I'll be putting out the first patch in the next 24 hours to fix a memory leak and a few other bugs.
Joined: May 25, 2003 Posts: 4752 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:34 pm Post subject:
If someone gets a chance, can you also take a look and see if the Spotlight indexing is properly taking up the OpenDocument files? There are some nagging BZ issues that I'd like to close if it works, or will work on if it's horked.
I only ever tested it on toy documents myself. In theory I wrote it from the oasis specs and it should work, but usually these things blow up in practice
There has already been a lot of discussion about this elsewhere in these fora as well as OOo's mac@porting list so let's not veer into this subject in this topic.
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:57 pm Post subject: Using it, and Loving it!
Okay, so I thought I'd participate in the Early Access Program, and lend you my support in exchange for a sneak preview of the new software. After having trouble getting the download to finish without crapping out, I got my disk image, loaded everything up and opened up my first document file. So far, I've experienced no crashes.
It's been a while since I used OpenOffice 2.0, or even Microsoft Word, so it may take me a while to get used to the changes from NeoOffice 1.2.2, but overall I'm quite happy with the experience. The whole thing feels more feature-rich and more "Mac-ish". It ably loaded my documents without difficulty, and the program's speed seems as good as NeoOffice 1.2.2.
I did encounter one small problem when I found that the English (Canada) dictionary hadn't been included with the download. In importing my 1.2.2. preferences, it said that my documents used the Canadian English dictionary, but every word was listed as a spelling mistake. Fortunately, I was able to download the dictionaries off of the OpenOffice site, and then install them in NeoOffice's correct component directory. A quick modification of the dictionary.lst file, and I was off and running. But perhaps that's something you could fix in the Beta, assuming it doesn't add too much to the download.
The changes in the font used by the program, and the changes to its rendering of the text will take a little getting used to, but it seems to be displaying pages accurately and I've had no problems with editing.
So, already I'm a pretty happy customer, and I can't think of what else you're likely to add between now and the release candidate. Thank you for taking the time to make this upgrade. I'm looking forward to many hours of being a happy user.
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