Joined: May 25, 2003 Posts: 4752 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 11:52 pm Post subject:
Right now space is usually about at 100 megs for each binary you want to host. The Neo source code runs 100 megs, NeoJ much smaller. You don't need to have them directly on the server to comply with GPL, just agree to provide people access to them for a "reasonable fee" or what have you
As to bandwidth, since Neo's still a prototyping project it's still fairly limited. The real problem is that it's spiky right now and not sustained, but when it spikes it spikes. The moment that things get more functional (NeoJ'll be there first, I suspect) that may change. If you're thinking of setting something up, I'd recommend bandwidth-capping it from my experience to whatever seems reasonable for your needs or for what type of performance guarantee you'd like to give to users.
I expect that the next release will be sometime in October. Usually, when I do a release, I remove the old release from my website since I don't have enough space for two binaries.
If you decide to mirror NeoOffice/J (and that would be great if you did!), you can obtain the above 2 download files and their matching MD5 checksum files from here:
Also, if you are using an Apache web server, you might want to add the following lines to the .htaccess file that you put the download files into. These lines will prevent most browsers from treating the download files as plain text:
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:43 am Post subject: Newbie questions on setting up a mirror
Hi all,
I would like to donate a Linux virtual server (in US) to the project. I'm quite a newbie in this field, so here you are some questions:
- Is there a list of the files to make available on the mirror?
- Are there any special instructions (on Apache configuration, etc.) apart from setting up the right MIME types?
- Will anonymous FTP work better (e.g. less CPU occupation) than Apache 1.3 with large files?
- How can I be notified of new releases (to keep my mirror up to date)? Shall I check by myself on the main site?
Corrado Fiore
Email: mailbox (AT) corradofiore (DOT) it
Joined: May 25, 2003 Posts: 4752 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:26 pm Post subject:
Hmm...while Patrick could offer more suggestions, here's the gist of what I can get...
In general, mirrors should only have to worry about pulling down the major releases from the NeoOffice/J download site. These are the *big* boys, the 100 meggers. Once you get a mirror set up, get in touch with Patrick. We coordinate distribution of those large guys prior to posting anything publicly.
The patch dimages are mostly from Patrick's sites since we do autodirection with the advent of the torrents assisting in their distribution. The majority of the bandwidth is taken up from the main images.
When using a Linux server, I'm not sure if FTP or HTTP will be better. With HTTP you'll need to set up the appropriate MIME type for the "dmg" extension to deliver "application/octet-stream" so it doesn't show up as gibberish text in people's browsers who navigate to the link.
thanks for the info. I have one more question about bandwidth. I read on another post that 24 GB/month are going to finish in a couple of hours in a real world environment:
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